Chapter 31

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Weeks had passed since the incident and the two were now fully recover and now is the last day of Hoseok in the hospital and Yoongi is now packing their stuffs as Hoseok looking at him fondly observing his boyfriend's expression packing his things.

Its been two weeks since Yoongi told him to see Kai but he still doesn't go there and Yoongi did not bring it up again as he was busy on his job and taking care of him at the same time. He now decided that before going home, he needs to thank Kai for saving him.

"I'm done. Do you want me to escort you to Kai's room?" Yoongi asked as he put the bag's strap on his shoulder and hold Hoseok's hand.

"You can just drop me on his door, I'll meet you at the car." Hoseok said as Yoongi guided him outside.

"You sure?"

"Yes, don't worry"

Yoongi nodded as they walk at the hallway, not that far from his former room and saw a two bodyguard outside. The two bodyguard looks at them warily as Yoongi told them that he is with Hoseok as the two bodyguard nodded.

"Hey Hoseok.." Yoongi said before Hoseok open the door. "I hope you talk to Kai not just for thanking him... And maybe you two can talk about closure... For real.."

Hoseok looks at him confused but still nodded and put a soft smile on his face. "Thank you Yoongi, I will."

Yoongi let go of his hand and see him going inside before walking to the reception to settled bills and medicine for Hoseok.


"Are you sure that you still can't contact her?" Kai asked as Mr. Kang nodded at him sadly.

"Yeah, I don't know what her reason though" Mr. Kang said as he turned himself behind as he heard the opening of the door.

"Um, hello.." Hoseok greeted.

The two look at him in disbelief as he smiled at them awkwardly.

"How are you doing Mr. Jung?" Mr. Kang asked and lead Hoseok in a near chair.

"Good i guess? I'm just here to visit Kai.. and talk maybe?" Hoseok said as he look at Kai's direction who were looking at him.

"Ah sure.. I leave you both.." Mr. Kang said as he look at Kai before smiling at him in a fatherly way before going out.

"So... How's your wound? Are you recovering well?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, maybe this week I'll be discharged. i heard that you're going home now?" Kai said.

"yeah, I would like to thank you for saving me.." Hoseok said.

"that's nothing Hoseok but you're welcome" Kai said as he smiled a little.

Silence filled the room and Hoseok fidgets on his fingers. He waited a little bit before sighing.. "I hope everything about us is ok now.. I mean our past.."

"Are you sure you want to forgive me for breaking up with you?" Kai said as he clutch on his blanket. "You don't want to know the reason why I left you?"

Hoseok gazed at him, hatred doesn't show on his features as he smiled a little. "Well, if you want to explain yourself, I'll hear you out.."

"Can I-I mean.. I'm not expecting anything from you.. I just want to have a closure and just want to tell you how i truly loved you" Kai said nervously maintaining an eye contact with Hoseok.

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