Chapter 4

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Hoseok drives the car, and hearing quiet sobs from his hyung makes him sad. This is the second time where he sees his hyung like this. Yoongi suffered from depression when they were in high school. Hoseok and Yoongi only know it and promised each other not to tell it to others. He is scared that Yoongi's depression get triggered by his heartbreak so that's why he needs to keep an eye on him and offered to move in with him if he were going to move out of his and Jimin's apartment.

Hoseok let out a sigh and turn the car into a different location. Yoongi noticed it and asked Hoseok. "Yah, where are we going?"

"To our healing place you look terrible you know" Hoseok joked to enlighten the mood. Yoongi just rolled his eyes and the tears are not visible anymore but the sniffling is still audible.


"Yes hyung?"

"Thank you," Yoongi said and turn his head to the window. Hoseok smiles "Your welcome hyung"


"Daebaaaaaak!" Hoseok yelled and embrace himself. The wind is rushing and their hair is dancing. The sun is ready to set and the grass waves with the wind. The scenery is like a painting and it sure heals you if you see it. "This place didn't change, right hyung?" Hoseok said and turn his head to face Yoongi. Yoongi is now sitting on the grass and patting his side and Hoseok sits in there.

"I forgot this place," Yoongi said and straighten Hoseok's legs and made it his human pillow.

"Yah," Hoseok said but didn't complain.

"I want to sleep and don't bother to wake me up" Yoongi said and closed his eyes.

"What a thicked face." hoseok mumbles and sighs "Just promise to me that you will do the same for me"

"Of course," Yoongi said.

After a minute Hoseok heard a snore. It is not that loud and hoseok thinks it's cute. He ruffled Yoongi's hair. 'it's too long for you to move on but I wish you fully move on and be happy' hoseok said in the back of his mind. He watched as the sun start to set and he wished again that his hyung's problem came with the sunset until it is not visible anymore. He feels sad too because the two look perfect together and they are his bestfriend too. It's just that they are meant for each other he thinks...

"Why love is complicated?" he mumbles.

The wind is so calm that he feels drowsy. He closed his eyes and didn't mean to sleep but he can't...


Hoseok feels the sudden urge to wake up so he opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, his face is inches away from Yoongi's face and their nose is barely touching. Hoseok eyes widened and pull off of his face away from the elder. 

He blushed thinking that they barely kissed unconsciously. He fans his hand knowing the wind blows is too strong and the star is now visible. He felt his thighs are numb and yet his hyung still sleeping peacefully. He tapped Yoongi's cheeks and heard a groan from the elder.

"Hmmm... Jiminie... Five minutes" Yoongi said. His hand stopped midway and Yoongi suddenly open his eyes. Hoseok cleared his throat and continue his hand that stopped midway and slap his hyung's cheeks lightly.

"Are you going to wake up or not? My thighs are numb" Hoseok said sarcastically.

"Ah, yeah," Yoongi said and rub his eyes and stand up and offer a hand to Hoseok and he gladly accept that. Hoseok's thighs were sore so that's why Yoongi supported him in the passenger seat. "I'll drive. Your thighs are numb and I don't want to die"

"Yeah, whose fault is it?" Hoseok said and rolled his eyes. For an unknown reason, he felt irritated but shrugged it off and punch his thighs lightly.

"So much hate?" Yoongi said in an annoying tone to annoy hoseok.

"So much sleep?" Hoseok asked in the same manner. They just both rolled their eyes.

"I'll cook for dinner ok? Don't be mad haha" Yoongi said.

"I'm not mad," Hoseok said.

"Oh yeah?"

Hoseok's phone vibrated and he takes it off on his pants and saw a text message from Taehyung. He gasped which makes Yoongi face look for him but divert his gaze to the road.

"What is it?"

"Jin hyung is coming back from Japan! And Taehyung asked for a reunion for Jin hyung the whole gang is in there" Hoseok said happily.

"Oh really? When is it?" Yoongi asked.

"Next week and—" Hoseok said cutting his words when he is going to mention Jimin. Yoongi look at him and raised his eyebrow. "—and Jimin is going"

"It's okay Hoseok. We settled our relationship" Yoongi said. Hoseok let out an 'oh' sound and nodded. "Well, I'm excited and it's been a year seen I saw taehyung, Namjoon, and 2 years since I saw Jin hyung." Hoseok said.

"Oh, it's been a year already.."

"Yeah. I miss them its only Jungkook I saw because you know we are in the same dance studio with Jimin and Taehyung and Namjoon is on video chat while Jin hyung, I didn't hear out from him this past few years when he decided to take the job for a modeling career in Japan"

"Oh, I think he gets himself super rich right now" Yoongi said.

"I hope so. I'm really excited!"Hoseok said.

"Yeah Yeah, whatever" Yoongi said and shut his mouth. Hoseok's mood lightened and texted Taehyung that they will be coming and asked him to meet him first so that they can plan their reunion. Hoseok hummed on the way until they reach the house and Yoongi cooked their dinner after that they decided to clean the house another day and sleep beside each other.

Well, what do you think guys?

edited: 08/18/22

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