Chapter 20

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Hoseok bit his bottom lip because he felt anxious and scared at the same time. He doesn't like the vibe that the elder giving to him. He saw Yoongi walk to the kitchen wiping his wet hair with a towel and wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts.

The two were just silent for the time being only the sizzling of the fried rice can be heard.

"Are you not going to change your clothes?" Yoongi asked not bothering to spare him a glance.

"A-Ah.. yeah," he said and headed to their room.

He took a short shower and change into his comfy pajamas. He went straight to the table and saw Yoongi setting up the food.

He cleared his throat and seated on the chair.

"Eat up," Yoongi said.

"Thanks for the food" he mumbled and started eating.

The table is too silent for Hoseok's liking. He and his hyung are gone awkward last time because of that thing yet then they get ok with it and now because of the events that happened on the 'doorway'

"You want more?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm full hyung," he said.

"Go to bed and I'll wash the dishes," Yoongi said taking his and Hoseok's plates to the sink.

Hoseok got enough of it. He breathed in before speaking. "Hyung, I'm sorry," he said feeling defeated.

"For what?" Yoongi asked.

"For.. everything? I don't know"

"Don't feel sorry then. We're just friends. It's your life" Yoongi said.


"I should be the one who should say sorry to you. It's my fault that's why we are like this. I've been the one who said that we should regret things yet here I am, still bothering myself with it and I hate my fucking self for thinking that way to my bestfriend" Yoongi rumbled and mentally slap his self for exposing himself.

The two went silent and just stared at each other for a while and tension is building between them. Yoongi saw the light bruised on Hoseok's lips and snickered.

Hoseok didn't seem to notice a lump growing in his throat. He didn't know how to respond to his hyung about the sudden outburst he really wanted to tell his hyung that he felt the same way but he was so afraid.. he was afraid that his hyung is just infatuated with him and didn't love him as a lovers do.

"Are we still friends at all Hoseok?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok looks at Yoongi. He didn't know where this conversation is headed to. He didn't answer and stared at his feet.

"Tell me Hoseok, do you like me?"

Hoseok looks at his hyung. It's just a matter of saying yes or no but he can't open his mouth to speak. He badly wants to say yes yet his voice won't bulge and his mouth didn't stutter a word.

On the other hand, Yoongi felt pain in his chest when Hoseok didn't say a single word. He is angry right now. He is angry with himself and Hoseok. He didn't want to blame the younger for his heartache but the bruised on his lips and keeping silent while he is here confronting the younger makes him feel like that Hoseok didn't feel the same way towards him.

He felt stupid. He felt like shit.

"Ok fine, don't answer keep your mouth shut," Yoongi said disappointed showing his face. "I'll sleep here on the couch, I'll look for an apartment tomorrow"

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