Chapter 3

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A/N: imagine Hoseok looks at you like that... Shit, I'm done. Well...

"Are you sure hyung you want to move out?" Hoseok asked.

Hoseok and Yoongi are in the apartment where Yoongi used to live with. Yoongi didn't entertain the younger and just takes his clothes to his luggage.

Hoseok looks at Jimin and just made a sad smile. Hoseok frowns and decided to leave the two.

"I'm going for a walk call me hyung if it's ready," Hoseok said and eyed Jimin and tap his shoulder.

After Hoseok goes out. The two remained silent until Yoongi sighed.

"Are you not going to talk?" Yoongi asked.

"Sorry.." Jimin said and hold back his tears.

"Just keep saying sorry until you can," Yoongi said and zipped his bag and went to walk past Jimin when Jimin held his wrist. The younger's tears are visible and make Yoongi soft but he held back his feelings and stops.

"There's no other words I can say but sorry... I know I hurt you. I'm disappointed with myself too but I know I can't fix things now. I will not be going to say to come back to me cause I know you are too good for me and I can't be. I just want to tell you that I did love you, I do... Until now... So, please...  Forgive me" Jimin said.

Yoongi stays silent for a long time he put his bags down and kissed Jimin on his forehead and closed his eyes tightly. "I do love you Jimin, don't think that I didn't love you any more that's why I'm breaking up with you, I want to fight for it but it turned out toxic, and someday it will hurt one of us. You make my life meaningful these past 2 years that we had, I'm really really grateful but now, it won't work anymore so let us be free for each other, okay?" Yoongi asked and cup Jimin's face to look at him and he saw Jimin's cheeks full of tears. Jimin hug him tightly and cried.

"I'm really sorry Yoongi... I-I regret it already.."

"It's okay, if we are meant for each other, we will get back. Let's give us space so that we can think." Yoongi said and returned the hug. "I forgive you already. Stop crying now" Yoongi said holding up his tears hearing Jimin's sobs.

"I love you Yoongi, I really do" Jimin said and tighten his hug not wanting to let go.

"I know," Yoongi said. "C'mon, Hoseok waiting... I need to go.." Yoongi holds Jimin's arms and takes them off of him. He wanted to cry but he knows if he does it he will take hold of Jimin more but he didn't want to do that, He knows that they will get hurt more.

Yoongi take his bags and went outside and saw Hoseok patiently waiting at him standing in the car.

"Hyu—" Hoseok stops when he saw his hyung crying. He received a hug and tears wetted his shirt. He pats Yoongi's back and cooed him. "It's okay hyung... Don't cry, you made me cry"

"I-'m a mess" Yoongi said. "I still love him but it hurts."


I really love yoonmin too but yoonseok got my heart and soul so I'm sorry yoonmin shippers! I'm not against them, I swear! I love my two bias wreckers.

Hope you like this chapter guys, I'm sorry if it's freaking short but I will try it in to the next chapter!!

Sorry for the typos and wrong grammar. English is not my first language that's why.

What do you think about this chapter, I want to hear your thoughts :))) I'm talking for too long so bye. Khskhskhs.

√ Edited: 8/22/21

and I cringe with my author's note, lol🤣

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