Chapter 22

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After 30 minutes, a knocking sound heard again. Hoseok is still video calling his friends.

"That must be Yoongi" Jin said.

"I'll check it out" Hoseok said leaving the video call open and walk straight to the door. He grab the door knob and surpressed the thumping sound of his heart.

He opens the door and saw Yoongi holding a box, checking it up brows knitted.

"Hyung, what's that?" Hoseok asked.

"I saw this at your doorway" Yoongi said still checking the box. Hoseok gonna grab the box but Yoongi didn't let him. "Don't open"

"Why?" Hoseok asked opening the door wide to let Yoongi come. He went to his room to retrieve his phone and his chaotic friends asked him. He just answered them and tell them that Yoongi is there and showed them Yoongi looking intently at the box.

"What's that?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know.. Yoongi hyung doesn't want me to open it" Hoseok said now the one who looking at the box.

"I just felt something fishy about this and knowing your situation.. everything can happen" Yoongi said.
"Open it hyung" Jungkook said eyes showing anticipation.

Yoongi look at Hoseok knowing the younger is a scaredy cat. Hoseok gulps and nodded.

Yoongi open it slowly and slightly look at Hoseok before sighing. "Shit" he muttered.

"Wha—What?" Hoseok asked nervously peeking at the box but Yoongi immediately closed it.

"You'll pass out don't look" Yoongi said.

"Why? Is there something on there?" Jimin asked worry evident on his tone.

Yoongi didn't answer and call someone after 2 rings it answers.

"Hello? Police department?"


Some police came and took care of the box. Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook came and Jimin still on video chat.

Hoseok just stared blankly didn't know what just happened and his friends stay by his side while Yoongi still talking at the police.

"Thank you for reporting this Mr. Min we'll investigate about this incident" the policeman said and look at Hoseok. "Sir, we want you to go to the police station tomorrow for further investigation"

"I'll be there tomorrow sir" Hoseok said not meeting the officers gaze.

Once the police go out with the mysterious box, Yoongi sits on a single sofa and sigh.

"Hoseok, this must be because of the issue between Kai. I think one of his sasaengs did it and you here alone is not safe" Jin said.

"I think so too hyung. That bastard Kai didn't do something just chatting with medias" Taehyung said rolling his eyes.

"Hoseok" Namjoon said and Hoseok felt like he is bring back to reality that makes everyone worried.

"Hyung, you need to be safe ok?" Jimin said through the video call. "You need to be brave"

"I-I.. don't know.. I mean.. why is this happening to me?" Hoseok said.

"Yoongi, i suggest you should be with Hoseok." Jin said.

"No, it's ok hyung. I can manage" Hoseok said forcing a smile.

"Don't be a hard headed one and just comply" Jin said slightly glaring at Hoseok. "We just wanted you to be safe, you don't have to expect we're just going to sit back here watching you get hurt"

"Hyung thank you" Hoseok said and earn a hug from Jin and kiss from the forehead.

"I'm not moving here again" Yoongi said that makes everyone glared at him. "Calm your asses, i mean he is the one who needs to move in to mine." Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"That maybe a good idea, some of Kai's sasaengs knows his house now so Hoseok moving in with Yoongi's apartment is a good decision" Namjoon said slightly tapping his fingers on the sofa.

"I think so too hyung." Jungkook said.

"It's all up to Hoseok if he wants to live with me" Yoongi said.

Their attention are now all in Hoseok. "Ofcourse, I don't mind" Hoseok mumbled.

"Then it's all settled. Just move in with Yoongi tomorrow, we'll help you to move your things ok?" Jin offered.

"Yeah hyung, for now you we all need to rest cause its 12 am in the morning" Taehyung said.

"Yeah right, i have work for tomorrow" Namjoon said.

"Yeah, me too. I have to perform for tomorrow. Goodbye hyungs, Taetae, Kookie. Hobi hyung, please chat me ok?" Jimin said.

"Yeah, sleep now. Don't worry about me anymore" Hoseok said assuring Jimin. Jimin said goodbye to them one last time and turn off his video chat.

"We're heading off too hyung" Jungkook said. Taehyung gave a hug to Hoseok before kissing his cheeks.

"Yah" Hoseok said but Taehyung just giggled.

"Yoongi, take care of Hoseok" Jin said hugging both Yoongi and Hoseok.

Namjoon look at Jin and saw how caring Jin to Hoseok. 'Well, he's his crush long time ago.. and we are friends for fuck's sake Namjoon' he thought.

"Bye" Jin said dragging Namjoon with him. "Bye" Namjoon said.

After 2 weeks of being separated to each other and not talking they met eyes once again.

"Hyung, thank you" Hoseok said.

"It's ok" Yoongi said.

"Are you still not going to tell me what's inside the box?" Hoseok asked.

"Its a death threat written in blood just that" Yoongi said not telling him what's more inside the box. Hoseok unconsciously pout. "Let's sleep"

Before walking to the bedroom, Yoongi makes sure that the door and window is locked before turning off the lights. He saw Hoseok laying on the bed and give space for him to lay down.

They are sleeping back to back afraid of making movements not after Hoseok shifted and hug Yoongi from the back.

"I miss you Yoongi hyung.." 

A/N: this is chapter 22 and wattpad won't save it when i edited it. Bitch here it comes again.

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