Chapter 27

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Kai found his self watching the television with his manager and his supposed to be girlfriend slash bodyguard slash detective officer, Ms. Jennie Kim.

"Are you sure she's a detective or something?" Kai asked, laying on his hospital bed, munching an apple.

"She's the best in her field, don't worry" Mr. Kang said.

Kai stared to his 'girlfriend' and observe her features. 'She's pretty but not that atractive as Hoseok'  he thought, she has a cat like eyes which seems a little bit familiar—

"Did we met?" Kai asked.

Jennie blushed, scratching her cheeks and timidly nodded. "At the cafe.."

Kai scrunched his eyebrows, recalling the time where he went to a cafe. He snap his fingers and mumbled "ah~" when he remembered the sudden encounter.

"So, you're the girl who approached me and Hoseok" he said.

"Yes, Mr. Kang told me to keep an eye with you. I didn't mean to disturb your date that time but I found someone suspicious" she said and fiddled with her phone and showed a picture of a girl with a mask, shades and a beanie. She looks suspicious as hell and she seated across their seats. She's looking at him and Hoseok.

"It doesn't mean that she's the sasaeng, she didn't do anything to us" kai said doesn't just want to point fingers whose the sasaengs are but he have a bad feeling about the girl on the photo.

"I've been observing her since you two came there. She even took a photo of you and Mr. Jung, i didn't captured it cause I interrupt you two purposely." Jennie said and slide some more photos on his phone. "And i found her Twitter account, she got a lot of retweets from that picture" she showed the screenshot on her phone. "But sadly, after posting that picture, she deactivated her account but I found her picture, I don't know if this was her true identity but she uploaded some of her pictures that just shows his eyes. The account that she uses is a stan account about Kai. I stalked it before she deactivated her account and I didn't saw a malicious post about Kai, just like some ordinary stan account" Jennie said and showed the said picture.

Mr. Kang and Kai look at Jennie with awe. She found some clues in just a day. She's observant and has a good presumptions. Jennie smiled at them hiding her phone on her pocket.

The news that they were waiting showed up. Mr. Kang smirked when the headlines shows.

"And now the whole world knows you have a girlfriend" Mr. Kang said


"Is it ok if we secret our relationship for a while?" Hoseok carefully asked Yoongi.

Yoongi, who were cooking their breakfast drop the spatula that he were holding and immediately took it back. His happy mood were now gone. He turned off the stove and sit besides Hoseok— who were nervously sitting on the sofa.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked. He placed his hands on top of Hoseok's.

"I can't face our friends.. specially Jimin" he confessed.

"I want to be with you for so long Hoseok.. without holding back. We can take two steps at a time.. if you want I'll talk with Jimin about this" Yoongi said desperately.

"No, I'll talk with Jimin instead.."

"There's nothing to talk about it Hoseok, he'll understand" Yoongi assured him but the guilt consuming him, he don't want Jimin to misunderstand him.

Just Friends (Sope/Yoonseok Fanfiction) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now