7. M O M E N T S

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"I swear it, on every star in the sky, on every fish in the sea, on everyone and anything into infinity"

When Louis awoke that morning, sunlight streaming through the white floating curtains into his sapphire eyes, the first thing he noticed was how empty the bed felt.

He expected to find a large, warm body, littered in tattoos with his long arms wrapped firmly around him, taking up the entire bed as he usually did.

But it was empty.

He sat up quickly, heart immediately beginning to race.


No response.

He looked around the room. There was no sign of any movement, no sign that Harry had gotten dressed, no sign that Harry had even been there that night besides Louis' warm memory of watching Harry falling asleep, the stress leaving his body, the swelling in his heart.


He shouted this time

No response.

Maybe he had just gone to the bathroom? But the bathroom was only down the hall so surely Harry would have heard him calling, deafness wasn't a cancer symptom he didn't think.

Maybe he had just gone for a walk? But the thought of that didn't comfort Louis, because what if he had a problem whilst he was out? What if fans or paparazzi attacked him and he was too weak to fight them off now without anyone to help.

What if he'd gone for good? What if Harry had just up and left him, wanting to spend his last few months in the Bahamas, alone without Louis annoying him? What if he was never going to see him again?

"Morning Love!"

Louis' intrusive thoughts were immediately thrown out the window when he turned to the voice at the door, to see Harry wearing nothing but boxers and an apron, his hair flying all of the place, sleep still resting in his eyes, a grin covering his face and a large cooked breakfast balanced on a tray in his hand

"God Harry, don't do that to me!" Louis said, letting out a large breath in relief, releasing the worries that built up inside him so quickly.

Harry frowned and placed the tray down on their dresser "Do what? I was just going to make us some-"

He was cut off as Louis jumped off the bed and threw his arms around the taller boy.

"I am beyond confused" Said Harry with a grin on his face at Louis' sudden embrace "I like it, but confused"

"I thought you'd gone" said Louis swallowing, after not letting Harry go for several moments, squeezing him tightly just to make sure he was really there, was definitely real.

"Gone?" Harry frowned "What do you mean gone? Gone where?"

"I dunno," sighed Louis sheepishly "Gone away from me, I guess"

There was a silence as the pair stood opposite each other; Louis could see the cogs in Harry's brain whirring.

After a minute of this silence, Harry sighed angrily and Louis thought for a second he was going to shout at him or have an angry outburst when all of a sudden, he grabbed Louis and tackled him back into their bed.

"Louis William Tomlinson," Harry began, facing Louis in the midst of the tangled sheets, "When are you going to get this into your pretty little head? I love you. I am never going to get sick of you. I never have and I know that I never will."

THE BEGINNING OF THE END L.SWhere stories live. Discover now