9. O V E R A G A I N

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"And I don't care how fucking difficult this is going to be for me. I still want you."

"Welcome home stranger"

Harry slowly opened his eyes, piercing bright lights hitting his pupils. He tried to swallow but his throat felt as though it had been clamped together. He slowly tilted his head down, to see himself lying in a white bed, covered in white sheets. His head felt as though it was going to explode, and he could feel liquids from different machines being passed into his body. Individually moving each limb of his body, making sure he could do it, he eventually tilted his head to see Kay lying in the bed next to him, grinning.

"Kay?" He tried to sit up "What am I doing here? Why are you here? What happened? How long have I been out? Where's Louis? What-"

"Woah, Woah, easy tiger, careful, you've just had surgery"

"Surgery?" Harry's eyes widened "Why? What happ-"

Suddenly the memories came flooding back.

Louis. Ed's flat. Beers. Nick. Telling them. Tears. Hugs. Brits. Singing. Chest. Pain. Shouts. Black.

He flopped back down on to his pillow, feeling so incredibly hopeless. The only thing he had to do was last one night leaving the house, and he couldn't even manage that anymore. He was loosing himself, and ruining everything for everyone he loved.

"Harry" Kay said warningly "Stop it. Stop blaming yourself"

Harry felt tears began to form in his eyes. He hated himself for crying and hated himself even more for barely having the strength to wipe them away.

"It's okay to cry Harry, you don't need to be strong"

"It isn't fair on my family if they see me like this" he whispered, disgusted with his tears.

"Harry, this isn't fair on you."

"But I'm the one who fucked it all up"

"Shut up" said Kay, which made harry smile despite his tears "Just shut up"

He stared at the popcorn ceiling, letting his tears slide down his temples.

Suddenly, the doors to his and Kay's room burst open and in walked Louis, worry filling his face.

"Oh my God, you're alright!" His voice raised and he ran towards Harry, grabbing onto his cold hand gently.

Harry prayed to God that Louis didn't notice the tearstains.

"You're alright. You're alright. You're alright"

Louis repeated the words over and over, trying to make them sink in after the night he spent in the hospital waiting room whilst Harry was in surgery, thinking that he had already lost him. He kissed all over Harry's face, taking him all in.

Harry couldn't help but laugh, "Yes im alright, well for someone with cancer im alright"

"I thought I'd lost you" said Louis, a pained look filling his face as he pulled away from harry and sat in the chair next to him, still holding his hand.

"You aren't getting rid of me that easily" said Harry weakly

"I'm never leaving you alone again, I don't care what fucking modest want to do, I'm not leaving you"

Louis took one look at Harry's face after he said that and frowned, "What?"

"What happened last night? Before you came here?" Harry asked, seriously

THE BEGINNING OF THE END L.SWhere stories live. Discover now