12. I F I C O U L D F L Y

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"When the dreamer dies, what happens to the dream?"

When Harry and Louis saw each other again, they fell into each other's arms.

And everything suddenly felt so right that Harry wondered how he had even managed to stay breathing without Louis. Louis had it worse. Because one day, one day soon, he would be unable to fall back to his Harry. And even after this small time apart, Louis realised that he had already managed to forget the precise green of Harry's eyes.

"I love you Louis" Harry began to cry into his shoulders "I love you, I love you, I love you"

Louis did not have words to describe his emotions right then but "I love you forever Haz" covered enough of them, enough of the important ones anyway.

"I never want to leave you again," Harry whispered into his ear so that Niall, Liam and Louis who stood silently crying at the door couldn't hear "I never wanted to, and I never will want to"

Louis didn't reply, but held on to Harry tighter, keeping him there, trapping him for Louis' to keep forever.

At some point, the lads left and Harry and Louis went to bed, but it was hard to tell when because every moment Harry and Louis spent together passed as fast as a second and as slow as a decade.

"I can't put it into words Lou" Harry told him, stroking Louis' hair on his head that lay on his butterfly tattoo. "But I need to you know this, I cannot put into words how much I love you, because I have never loved anyone this much. And when I was on that roof...I would never do that Louis...I wouldn't do that to you"

"I think deep down I knew that" Louis whispered back

"But I need you to know it up here Lou, I need you to know how much I appreciate you being put into this world, and I would never ever choose to leave you."

"I already know it Haz" Louis replied softly

He lifted his chin from Harry's chest and leaned down towards Harry, connecting their lips. And for once, Louis did not care that Harry's lips were burning hot, he only cared that Harry was here. In this moment. And some moments had the power to go on into infinity – Louis knew that this would be one of them.

"But there is something Louis" said Harry and Louis sat up, staring into Harry's eyes "There is something I need you to do"


"I promised you that I would never get sick of you," swallowed Harry "And I haven't, But I need you to promise me something too...I need you to swear it"

"Anything Harry"

Harry looked at his perfect Louis and felt his heart tug "I need you to promise me that you will stay as Louis after I am gone. That you will not change"

There was a silence as Harry watched doubt fill Louis' face, mixed with grief and a hint of pain.

"Harry," Louis swallowed, struggling to get the words out, "I cant"

"Please Louis please" Harry breathed, "You can. I need you to."

Louis stared at Harry, allowing his heart to talk

"Harry...I don't even know who I am without you"

And that was what Harry had been afraid of. That the inevitability of his death was not just destroying him, but Louis as well. Two birds with one stone.

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