8. H E A R T A T T A C K

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"Harry whispered something, so filled with tragedy, which Louis knew would never be able to forget"

It had been a good week in Louis' opinion. It hadn't been particularly exciting or eventful but he had spent it with Harry, so that immediately made it a good week. They didn't leave the house, they didn't talk about his cancer, they didn't do much at all except make the most of each other.

However, Harry's side of the story was rather different. Because yes it had been a good week, but he now didn't see a week as he used to.

A week wasn't something of a regular occurrence; A week wasn't a list of seven days. To Harry, a week was a measure of time. A measure of just how little he had left in this world. A fraction of the amount of time Harry would be something, before he would be nothing.

On Saturday morning, the sun was shining brightly through the windows of their flat in Princess Park, and Louis really thought that it was going to be a good day. He walked barefoot into the kitchen to see a joyful Harry singing along to happily, one of their new songs, and frying bacon.

Louis stared at Harry from the doorway for a while, watching his tall boyfriend, a sense of pride hugging his heart. He quietly walked over to Harry, and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist from behind, causing Harry jump.

"There he is" said Louis teasingly into to Harry's ear "My domestic goddess"

Harry laughed and swivelled himself around so that his forehead touched his boyfriends.

"Morning sunshine"

Louis pushed their soft lips together, not caring about morning breath, just desperate to feel as close as he could to Harry. Harry allowed himself to fall into the kiss for several minutes before reluctantly pulling away.

"The bacon's going to burn." he mumbled into Louis' lips

"Let it." said Louis hungrily

"You're so irresponsible," replied Harry, turning around to begin cooking again.

Louis groaned and went to sit on the sofa.

" I don't remember agreeing to letting you wear my jacket?" Louis said to Harry, who had been wearing Louis' blue denim jacket all week now, barely taking it off

Harry turned around from the cooking and smirked at Louis "And I don't remember agreeing to letting you wear my top"

Louis looked down, realising he was in fact wearing Harry's white top. It was once again too big for him, but Louis liked it that way. He liked feeling Harry's smell mix with his own.

"Hey Lou?" Said Harry after several moments of them sitting in a comfortable silence

"Mhm" replied Louis, scrolling through twitter. He hadn't been on twitter all week, knowing that it would just be filled with conspiracies about Harry, as it was that day.

"I want to tell Ed and Nick about the cancer"

Louis head snapped up, forgetting about the tweet he was reading.

This was a big deal surely. Or maybe it wasn't? Louis didn't even know anymore. He had know clue what the fuck was going on inside Harry's brain, but didn't want to push him. He thought that telling more people would have been the last thing that Harry wanted to do.

"Are you sure Haz?"

Harry nodded, running a hand through his curly locks and walking across their messy apartment to sit on the sofa next to Louis.

THE BEGINNING OF THE END L.SWhere stories live. Discover now