4. D O E S H E K N O W ?

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"So" Harry choked out "How long do I have?'

It was an hour later. They were sat in the same spot.

"Till new years at most"

It was October.


His time was up.

To Harry, It was as simple as that.

He lived for 19 years and now he would die.

Simple as that.

Of course, deep down he knew that it was not as simple as that. That there was so so much more than that. There was millions more than that. There was family, friends, fans, management, sunsets, cats, ice creams, storms, polaroids, parties, un-made beds, concerts, records, chipped nails, the smell of freshly cut grass.

There was life.

And Harry was just so fucking in love with being alive.

and there was Louis.

Louis. His perfect Louis. Louis who he knew did not deserve any of the pain that could come his way, all because of Harry. Harry was not going to do that. He was not going to hurt Louis like that. He refused too.

Louis didn't have to know.

"Harry? Should I go and let the boys in so we can tell them?" Gemma asked "They haven't left the corridor since you were admitted"

"No" Harry croaked and Gemma nodded understandingly

"Should I just get Louis then? I understand you might want to tell him bef-"

"No" was all he said again

Gemma frowned, "What do you mean no?"

"I don't want to tell him. Or any of them"

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that they don't need to know"

Gemma looked at Harry directly in the eyes with a harsher look on her face than Harry had seen in years, "Harry listen to me right now. That is bullshit"

"Is it? Why do I need to tell them? Why do I need to put them through all that unessecery pain?"

"Youre talking rubbish Harry and you know it. You tell them because they deserve to know. Because they fucking love you. Because Louis loves you."

"That is why I don't want to tell them"

"This isn't a debate" said Gemma harshly "You are going to tell them because this is going to affect them too. How would you feel if one of them was diagnosed with shitting lung cancer and didn't tell you? How would you feel if that was Louis?"

Harry winced at the use of Louis name

"I cant hurt him like that" Harry almost whispered, tears falling once more.

"He is going to hurt Harry. It will most definitely be unbearable like it was for me. But he needs to know. He needs to be there for you"

Harrys mind had not changed at all. In fact he became more adamant in the fact that Louis coudnt not know. But he could tell that he was loosing this argument.

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