15. P E R F E C T

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"those fucking eyes of yours could swallow stars, galaxies and universes"


Harry couldn't sleep that night.

It was ironic because he spent the whole day desperate to it but when it was finally time, it never came.

Maybe he was afraid that if he fell asleep he would never wake up.

Next to him, Louis was sleeping soundly. Louis had always looked so perfect in his sleep, his face looked about five years younger and he didn't wear a frown like he did most days now. Harry wondered what he could be dreaming about. He didn't wake him as he knew he hadn't been sleeping well recently either so he needed his rest. Instead he slowly peeled himself out of Louis' arms and got out of bed.

When he entered the dark kitchen, he didn't expect Niall to be sat eating ice cream on the sofa at half five in the morning.

"Niall?" Harry laughed, stopping in his tracks "What on earth are you doing?"

"What does it looked like?" answered Niall, turning to look at him with a grin on his face "Eating ice cream"

Harry walked over to sit next to Niall "At 5 in the morning?"

Niall shrugged "Couldn't sleep"

Harry was certain that Niall had been sleeping much at all recently. He was still was energetic as usual, but he had dark circles under his eyes which made him look like a panda. Harry knew that it was his fault but he was too tired to be able to care anymore.

"Neither" was all Harry replied

They turned to look at each other for a moment, their eyes connected, and they knew that they were both thinking the exact same thing.

"Where should we go then?" Niall smiled mischievously

"Somewhere we wont be spotted." answered Harry

Niall looked deep in thought for a moment before Harry could see an idea light up in his sea-blue eyes.

"I have an idea alright!" said Niall excitedly "Go wake the others up, they should come too, then meet me downstairs in precisely ten minutes"

Harry would never be able to get over how fucking magnificent Niall's brain was.

Waking up the others proved more difficult that Harry initially thought.

Louis was easy – all Harry had to do was gently tap his arm and Louis shot up, ready to help him if something was wrong. Harry felt slightly guilty that he had scared him like that but Louis didn't seem to mind, and agreed that it was a good idea for all of them to get out the house even if it was five in the morning.

Liam was more difficult because Liam was the deepest sleeper on the planet. It took both Louis and Harry about 4 minutes to wake him up and eventually they had to result to splashing water on his face, which worked but didn't impress him at all. Liam was also very cautious of what they were doing, saying that Harry shouldn't be going out at his stage of the disease and that Niall's plans were never trustworthy and quite often unsafe. To be fair, he was right but Harry didn't feel like agreeing, desperate to get out.

Zayn was the hardest, Zayn had always been the hardest. Trying to get Zayn out of bed was like trying to get pigs to fly: impossible. Liam, Louis and Harry (although not really Harry) ended up each grabbing one of Zayn's' limbs and physically dragging him out of bed. Louis then had to bribe him with a £20 note and a free massage in order for him to get changed, and even after that it still took him 20 minutes.

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