11. R I G H T N O W

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"Let the water go Harry," choked out Niall "I can finally see it now, you were drowning"

Harry spent the night at Niall's house.

Louis told Harry that he really needed some time alone; Harry understood.

Niall didn't ask questions when he suddenly came to pick Harry up at 2am in the morning, instead he just hugged him, wiped away his tears and brought him back to his flat which was less than 5 minutes away. Harry had never been so grateful.

He slept in Niall's spare room, or rather; he didn't sleep in Niall's spare room. He'd been in this bed more times than he could count after wild parties, but each time he was able to share it with Louis. It was too big without him there.

So Harry lay, staring at the ceiling, doing the only thing his useless body allowed him to do: think.

He couldn't quite believe what had happened just a few hours ago. Had he and Louis really argued? Him and Louis fought before, but they never argued. There was a large, invisible wall between the two things. But last night that wall had broken, and Harry wasn't sure whether he and Louis would ever be the same again. Harry despised the thought of spending his last few months alive without Louis because all he wanted to do was be with him.

He thought about the roof. He thought about how easy it would have been for him to fall right there and for all of this to be over. He knew he was a coward for having such thoughts but maybe he didn't care anymore, maybe he was happy being a coward if it meant that this would all be over.

He never would have done it. He knew that, but it bothered him how easy it would have been, when his fucking disease was causing everyone so much unnecessary pain; was causing Louis so much unnecessary pain.

Suddenly he felt claustrophobic.

He checked the time and it read 5:13AM. He knew there was no way Niall would be awake so he put on some jeans, a top and Louis' jacket and went into the kitchen.

You would expect Niall to live in a slob but Niall was a surprisingly clean person. It shouldn't make sense but it made sense to Harry, because Niall's mind was so chaotic and wonderful that he needed somewhere fresh to see it all.

Harry began to walk around the kitchen. It wasn't a big kitchen, in fact it only took him about 15 seconds to walk around the entire thing, but for some reason it began to make him feel slightly less claustrophic, slightly less trapped. And so, around the kitchen he walked.

"Care to explain why Harry Styles is walking in circles around my kitchen at 5:15 in the morning?"

Harry turned to see Niall in the doorway, his usual large irish grin on his face, the morning never made any difference to Niall's charisma.

"Oh shit sorry mate, I wasn't meant to wake you" Replied Harry

"You didn't" replied Niall "I couldn't sleep"

"Neither" Harry added

The pair looked at each other for a moment before niall suddenly reached forward and grabbed Harry's wrist and pulled him towards his door.

"Niall? What? Where are we going?"

"Anywhere but here!"


"The London eye?"

Niall refused to tell Harry where they were going the entire taxi ride, despite Harry complaining like a whining 5 year old. 10 minutes later they finally had arrived at their destination. Harry turned to look at Niall, shocked, as their taxi pulled up outside the London eye on the River Thames.

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