14. Y O U A N D I

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"So much more was said in the unsaid"

They arrived back in their London flat less than three days later.

Harry begged to be released from the hospital as soon as possible. He couldn't stand to be in the place where the ghost of Kay hung over his every living thought.

The joys from spending Christmas with their families full of fun and hope had all washed away and Harry was back to be being faced with the harsh realities of life as a cancer patient.

Zayn, Liam and Niall and had come to stay with them for a while in their spare rooms. Harry wasn't sure if it was because Louis was tired of looking after Harry or because they all knew that Harry wasn't going to last much longer and they wanted to be near him when it happened. Either way, it made no difference.

They tried to keep Harry's spirits up, they really did. But it was hopeless because Harry was just so far gone that there was no way of saving him this time.

The cancer put him in enough pain as it was but Kay's death felt like a loss of one of his limbs, it could be healed with time but Harry didn't have enough of that so the wound remained unrepaired, infected and scarred.

Kay was an angel to him. A woman who before the disease, he never would have even imagined talking to. But she had saved him in every single way possible. He would not be here without her and he would never even be able to tell her how grateful he was for her because she left before he had the chance.

Gemma called Harry all the time, and by all the time he meant at least 20 times a day. He knew why. They knew that his three months were up – it was going to happen any time now.

Harry thought of the cries that Kay's daughters had made when they had found out; one day soon that would be Louis' cries. And Gemma's. And his mum, Robin and so many more who were too painful to name. Kay left without a goodbye, leaving Harry with an unfinished book. Harry wasn't going let that happen, he didn't ever want them to cry like that.


On the 29th December 2013, he walked into the kitchen to find Liam and Niall playing Fifa, Zayn sketching in his black book and Louis looking at his computer with a frown on his face.

"Morning Harry" said Zayn as he noticed him walk in, making all the other boys stop what they were doing and turn to him. Louis immediately got up from where he was sat on the table and went to his side

"How're you feeling today love?"

Troubled. Sick. Scared. Depressed. On edge. Exhausted. Dead.

"Alright" he replied with a small smile, knowing that Louis was worried that today would be the day.

"Are you sure?" Liam asked, with a concerned look on his face

"Yeah" He replied weakly, flopping down onto the sofa, and the others boys came and sat with him

"I just got an email from Simon" Louis told them all "He demands that all of us come into the office today to sort some things out before things get too 'complicated'"

"He means he wants to wrap up my life before I die" Harry said plainly.

They all looked at each other awkwardly – no one wanting to agree although they all knew he was right.

"Well we obviously aren't going" Niall said, changing the subject

"Why not?" Harry asked, he knew the answer and didn't really know why he was questioning them.

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