1. L O N G W A Y D O W N

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Just hit 1k reads, gonna go cry now ily all
Also the book gets better the more you read!


It was a Friday when the world began crashing down.


Harry was definitely not a doctor but he knew something was wrong.

He was tired. He'd been tired before. But today he was really tired. Beyond explainably tired.

The day had started like any other. Harry and Louis intertwined like a pretzel on the miniscule tour bunks, sleeping peacefully. Well, at least Louis was sleeping peacefully.

It had taken Harry hours to fall asleep despite every inch of his body begging for it. When his body finally allowed him to have the smallest amount of rest he awoke almost every hour, dripping in sweat. This had happened before, but in the tiny bunk, in the early hours of the morning with nothing but the sound of Louis' heavy breathing and Niall's light snores, it made Harry's heart race. It hadn't just happened that night; it had been happening for weeks.

Maybe it was then. Maybe it was then when he knew that there was something alarmingly wrong with him.

And by the time morning came round, and Niall and Liam were up painfully early, jumping around the tour bus, he did not get out of his bunk with Louis like he usually did. Instead he lay, unmoving.

This was enough to alert Louis immediately.

"Haz! Are you getting up, or do you fancy lying in bed all day?" Louis asked teasingly

But despite giving Louis a small smile to make him happy, Harry didn't know what to do. It wasn't that he didn't want to get to bed. He just couldn't. His entire body ached with tiredness.

Not the kind of tiredness that could be fixed with a good nights sleep. No, the kind of tiredness that eats at your every move until you finally surrender and shut your eyes. He felt as though energy was being constantly drained out of him, as though he was leaking electricity.

"Harold!" shouted Niall, making Harrys head throb angrily "Get your lazy ass out of bed! I'm hungry"

Harry groaned weakly. When Niall was hungry, there was nothing that was going to get in the way of him and his food. And if one of them wanted food, it unfortunately for Harry, meant that they all had to go get food because the amount of security it took to get them anywhere, was too much to do multiple trips.

He took a deep breath, desperately trying to snatch every last bit of energy in his body and air in his lungs before pushing himself off of the bunk.

When his feet hit the floor, black spots began to cloud his vision and he immediately grabbed a hold of the wall, steadying himself.

"You alright Harry?" Zayn asked him gently, and Harry hadn't realised that he was awake.

"Yeah I'm fine" Harry immediately put on his usual cheeky grin "Had a rough night out last night so im probably still abit hungover"

Harry hated lying, especially to someone like Zayn who had a heart of gold and trusted him more than anything. But 'fine' couldn't have been a worse word for how he was feeling. If 'fine' meant that his insides were on fire, his head was banging and his eyelids were begging to shut, then yes he was 'fine'.

"Harry, Put some clothes on" said Louis from the other side of the tour bus "Not that im complaining, I love seeing you topless, but if we don't get Niall food we are all going to go insane"

THE BEGINNING OF THE END L.SWhere stories live. Discover now