5. W A L K I N G I N T H E W I N D

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Harry could already feel it eating away at him.


The night had gone faster than he had expected. He spent the entire time trapped inside his own head, trying to navigate his way through the impossible maze on the inside. It had not helped anything at all. Infact; the more he sat the more he felt his heart slowly rip into pieces at the fact he has 3 fucking months on this planet before he is gone. Erased from existence.

At about 9, Louis began to stir next to him. Harry looked down at the smaller boy and couldn't help but smile despite everything.  His chestnut hair fell over his face, leaving a curled shadow over his eyes. Harry could not describe how much he loved his Lou's eyes. He could spend his entire life searching for the right words but would never be able to find any to describe just how beautiful they are, and just how much they meant to harry.

"Stop staring" Louis whispered croakily "Careful or I'll think you're a paedophile for watching me sleep'

Harry smiled and ran his hands over Louis' hair, pushing it away from his forehead "Don't flatter yourself, why would I want to watch you?"

"Because Styles" said Louis, pulling Harry closer so their foreheads and noses were touching "you are hopelessly in love with me"

Louis leaned in and pushed their lips together, and just like that, Harry felt alive again. He felt a fire in his heart and a buzz in his chest, not caused by his terminal illness but by the sheer rush he felt by being close to his Louis. Because Louis made him feel alive. And maybe Louis was the only one who had the power to do that.

They began to kiss deeper, Louis' hands feeling their way through Harrys messy curls, Harry pulling himself as close as he could to Louis, desperate to feel his warmth. The sheets began to tangle up around them as harry ran his hands over Louis back, And Harry knew that he wasn't going to be able to control himself because when it came to Louis he was like jelly. Louis seemed to be thinking the same and he pulled himself closer to Harry.

"Oh for fucks sake!"

The pair broke apart as they heard a loud Irish accent fill the room.

"I come in to check if you guys want to have breakfast out of the goodness of my own heart, and I have to walk in on you fucking!" Niall groaned before leaving the room "I swear, next time we have a party, we aren't having it here!"

"Don't worry Nialler" said Louis, wrapping an arm around Harry "Its okay to be jealous, im sure me and Harry would be open to a threesome"

Harry let out a load laugh whilst Niall just groaned loudly and stuck his middle finger up at the Doncaster lad. "I hate you" said Niall

"Now, now Niall, there is no need for any negativity" said Harry teasingly

"Well Harold, if you two weren't to busy eating each others faces off then you would know that me, Zayn and Liam have prepared a breakfast for you to welcome you back from your hospital stay, we thought seeing as you collapsed from stress that you could have a break for a while whilst we do things until you are completely better"

Whilst Harry knew that this was a very nice gesture, he felt a lump of guilt multiply in his throat. He was not collapse from stress, he was collapsed due to the fact that his lungs were coated in cancerous cells like sugar.

'Wow...thanks lads, that's great"

"Come into the kitchen after you've finished with whatever you two were doing and you're ready" said Niall walking out the room "And don't start fucking again!" he called afterwards.

THE BEGINNING OF THE END L.SWhere stories live. Discover now