16. L O V E Y O U ... G O O D B Y E

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"This could surely not just be called pain she was feeling"

I am so sorry guys

Harry managed to stay alive that entire day. And Night.

It surprised him; it surprised everyone. No one said it out loud.

The date was now December 31st.

Would he make it to the new year?

He hoped so.

Harry wanted to go to Holmes Chapel.

Liam said no. Harry was too weak.

Harry said he wanted to spend his last few hours at home.

Niall was shaking. Zayn was silent. Louis was scared.

Liam said yes.


"Liam?" Harry spoke.

They were all piled into Louis' car driving the two hours back to Holmes chapel. Liam told them that he would drive so that the others could sleep. Both Louis and Niall hadn't slept in days, Zayn had slept a lot but Zayn was Zayn and always needed more sleep, Harry too hadn't slept but all the boys knew that he was never going to sleep again.

Zayn, Louis and Niall already fast asleep in the back seat. Louis and Niall hadn't let themselves sleep at first, too scared that something would happen to Harry whilst they weren't conscious (or they were scared that something would stop happening with Harry) but Harry promised that he would hold it together for two hours and Liam would keep an eye on him, keeping him alive.

Harry sat in the front seat and stared out at the moving traffic; and the hundreds of passing cars on the motorway who had a lifetime of plans ahead of them.

"Mhm" Liam replied, making sure he kept his eyes on the road

Harry swallowed and looked to Liam with wide eyes, "Make sure one direction doesn't stop"

Liam was quiet and Harry could see the cogs whirling in his brain, "Harry..."

"Please Liam" Harry pleaded "Just keep it going, keep making music"

"Harry, I don't think you realise how hard-"

"I know its going to be hard" Harry interrupted, shutting his eyes "I know that and I'm sorry but I just...I don't want all of this to go to waste because of me...and you guys...you guys just have so much fucking talent...the world deserves to hear it"

"I know you don't want this to end Harry and I don't either but-"

"Then it doesn't have to" Harry argued, "I understand you will be sad and it will be hard but don't give up, at least not forever. You guys still have 2 albums left on the contract-"

"Fuck that fucking contract" Liam interrupted

"Yeah fuck the contract" Harry agreed with a small smile "But still! Please Liam, you can be the one to make sure it happens, you are probably the only one"

"What do you mean?" Liam asked

"I mean that they will listen to you...they will do what you say. We always have done and they always will do."

"I don't think that's true Harry" Said Liam, shaking his head

"But it is Liam!" Harry argued, "Without you One Direction probably wouldn't even exist, and...I don't know what I'd have done without you"

THE BEGINNING OF THE END L.SWhere stories live. Discover now