Chapter One

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~(F/n) ☜︎︎︎ Familiars name~
~(M/n) ☜︎︎︎ Moms name~
~(D/n) ☜︎︎︎ Dads name~

Loud sounds of sword clinging and screaming woke me up. I shot up awake anxiety and adrenaline flowing throughout my body. Slowly walking up to my window I carefully peeked through and saw my parents fighting Satan. I stumbled away from my window and quickly turned around. Panicked thoughts of whether I should escape or if I should aid my parents ran through my head a mile a minute. Satan has been wanting to kill my bloodline for a long time all because we were just as strong as he was, so I had assumed he felt threatened by that.

Every ounce of my gut said to not help them and to run away. But my conscious wouldn't allow that. My legs began to run and took me to the door. My hand hovered over the doorknob as I contemplated one last time. 'Should I run?' I thought to myself. And so I did, I packed an emergency bag filled with clothes, water, and food. I grabbed my mother's black sweater from her closet and my father's second sword that was resting next to his nightstand.

He said I could have it once I turned 16 anyway. It was a very beautiful katana, a silver blade so shiny it looked like a mirror with a black hilt and red accents. The blade was so sharp it could cut skin with the smallest amount of pressure. (F/n), my familiar ran up to me meowing like a madman. She was desperate to grab my attention, she was a cat demon, with two tails, solid black, yellow-green eyes, and very sweet but still deadly, I grew up with her so she's very protective of me. I quickly slung the sword onto my back, grabbed my bag, and looked at (F/n) scared.

"What's happening?"

'We need to leave!'


I yelled crying out to him, I was watching him and my mom fight together against Satan. That means he was here to eliminate his competition "Go to Assiah and when you're 16 enroll in true cross academy and look for Mephisto! He'll know what to do!" My mother yelled at me, I nodded with tears streaming down my face then created a portal and before I went through I heard my mom scream, I turned around worried and there I saw Satan kill my mom, he gutted her alive. My dad was furious, his black flames went out of control as he charged at Satan, however, he killed my father after a struggle.

Then Satan looked at me with a wicked smile cocking his head to the side, so I quickly ran through the portal and closed it behind me. A cynical laugh was the last thing I heard before arriving in Assiah. I tucked my tail in my shirt and put my moms' black jacket on me. I used my hair to cover my pointy ears and I started walking down the streets. Taking deep breaths I shoved every negative emotion as far down as I could. Bottling it all up in a metaphoric jar and shoving it far down.

"I'm going to get revenge and kill Satan even if it's the last thing I do!"

I yelled out but I made sure it wasn't loud enough to draw attention from nearby people. 'Now (Y/n) don't go making stupid promises like that, you're 14 you can't kill him. You have barely any control over your power.' I looked down at my familiar "I know but I'm going to do it!" I said looking down at her, people walking by now starting to stare at me like I'm insane for talking to a cat.

(F/n) started walking around Assiah, I've never been here before so I don't know anything about humans, their world, or anything of that matter. The only thing I know about them is that they kill my kind, whether they be good or bad demons they end up dead. Families back in Gehenna wondering where the missing family members are... "Have you been here before?" I whispered down to (F/n) trying to not get stared at again since it made me uncomfortable. I then started to find it odd how an extremely powerful demon such as myself could feel uncomfortable around weak and filthy humans.

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