Chapter Sixteen

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"So...favorite food?"

I asked Rin, we were laying down on this flat piece of metal we managed to find so we wouldn't be poked. I turned my head to face him, he was staring up into the prison's greenish-blue sky and made a hum-like noise, telling me he was thinking. "Wait no no, don't tell me. Is it...sukiyaki?" I questioned, he turned his head so we were facing each other now and smiled big. "Yup! How'd you know?" He asked, his big smile still on his face causing me to giggle.

"You used to make it back at the monastery all the time."

"Ah that's right, I forgot you lived with Yukio and me there for two years."

"Well duh, what do you think we met at the dorms?" I playfully asked.

"No, I know we met at the park." He playfully answered.

"I miss the monastery and everyone there. They were all so nice, they didn't care that I was a demon who could kill a whole city.."

I rolled onto my side and looked away from him, my mood has just been dropping lately. I then laughed a little. "Who knew a demon would miss a church and priests. Breaking the stereotype huh." Rin moved so I was forced to look at him, he looked sad too. I didn't mean to bring his spirits down too. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad." I softly spoke.

"Favorite non-demon animal?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Oh..uh, hmm that's a tough one, I think I'll have to go with (favorite animal.)"

Rin put his arm under his own head to act as a pillow and looked back up into the sky, I looked up into the sky as well. "When's my birthday?" I asked. Rin turned his head to look at me, so I turned mine to look at him. "25th of December." He said with a smirk, I nodded my head with a big smile and laughed. "You finally remembered!" I said jokingly. Rin playfully nudged my arm so I nudged him back but a little harder.

"So..Do you think we'll get out of here?"

"Of course." Rin cheered.

"Alive I mean."

I specified looking at Rin worried. "I know death is unavoidable but...I don't want to die because of this, I rather die in battle like my parents." I said plainly as I looked back into the sky, Rin turned onto his side and forced me to look at him. "We'll get out of this alive together, I promise." Rin said trying to brighten up my mood. Rin looked like he thought of something hard before he spoke again. "Say, if we get out of this alive, what do you say about being my girlfriend?" He said looking at me with a serious look.

I was able to feel my face heat up and eventually became hot to the touch, nervously, I sat up in a criss-cross fashion. Rin sat up as well and looked at me concerned. "If you don't want to, you could've said no." Rin said with a bit of saltiness in his voice, I looked at him confused but realized what he meant. "What? No no, I do want to be your girlfriend. I was just taken by shock." Rins salty expression shifted into an ecstatic expression as he looked at me with stars in his eyes. "You really wanna date me?" He said happily.

"Yes, you weirdo." I laughed and pulled him into a kiss.


"Rin! (Y/n)!"

We heard an all too familiar voice yell out, Rin and I looked at each other confused then looked toward the direction we heard it coming from. "Are we going crazy already?" I asked Rin, he shrugged his shoulders unsure. "Guys!" It yelled out again, and then we saw Shiemi running towards us. "Shiemi!" I yelled out happy to see my first human friend.

"I'm here to get you guys out of here." She said catching her breath.

I looked at Rin and then back at her, Rin was staring at his hands deep in thought. "Stay away from us." He spoke out, I had to do a double-take when he said that. I know I've been pretty depressed in here but I didn't mean to make him depressed too. "Rin, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you depressed too." I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. Shiemi came closer to us cautiously. "No, you didn't. I just..I just can't control my flames without hurting people." He said sadly staring at the metal all around. Slowly he lifted his hand up and held my hand that was resting on his shoulder.

"I'm a monster so just leave!" He yelled at Shiemi, his body emitting into blue flames. I looked over to Shiemi and waved her over, she jogged up to me a little scared.

"He needs a hug."

"Won't it burn me?" She questioned scared.

"Nah, I do it all the time to calm him down, it doesn't burn. It's actually pretty comforting."

"Then.. why can't you do it?" She asked still unsure. "If it comes from a human it might mean more to him and make him realize he's not a monster." Shiemi hesitantly nodded and cautiously walked up to him, she got down on her knees matching his level and hugged him tightly. "You're right, it is warm." She said, Rin opened his eyes shocked, and looked at me, I gave him a sad smile.


Rin busted us out of the prison and we made it into the hallway of the cells. "Wait so you're saying we could've done this a while ago!?" I said shocked staring at the broken demon prison behind us. "Seems so, but then we wouldn't have had our bonding moment." Rin shrugged and turned to our classmates who were staring at us. "You guys actually came." I said taken aback by them actually being here.

"I guess I was wrong about you guys." I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Izumo asked a little annoyed.

"Well, when we got locked up, I thought you guys were all traitors and couldn't be trusted." I shrugged.

Shima and I locked eyes, he awkwardly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Shima!" I yelled happily not caring he was a few feet in front of me. I hugged him tight only to soon release him from the hug, I met eyes with Bon who was glaring at me, I stuck my tongue out at him and returned to Rin's side. "Shima and I are best friends chill out would ya?" I said waving him off.

Bon hit Rin on his side with his own sword causing him to fall onto the ground, Rin looked up at him scared. I helped Rin up and had him behind me a little due to the sudden act of rudeness but Bon gave him his sword back.

"You'll need this if you're going to fight."

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