Chapter Ten

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Rin poked his head through the doorway of my dorm room. I looked up from my book about Assiah and saw his goofy expression. I giggled and sat my book down, sitting upright on my bed he walked inside. "What's up Rin?" He tossed a few small booklets on my bed and then sat next to me on my bed.

"You're new to Assiah and don't know much and I haven't seen much here. Sooo I was thinking we could go sightseeing."

"Sightseeing?" I examined the booklets.

"Yeah, ya know. Go to tourist places and have fun."

I looked up at him from the booklets and saw he shrugged his shoulders. Pretending this was no big deal. I excitedly threw the booklets on the flooring of my room and tackle-hugged him. "That would amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank youuu!" He hugged me back and laughed in my ear. "No problem." We separated from the hug and I was face to face with a tomato-faced Rin. I giggled and booped him on the nose. "You're a tomato dude." I stood up and gathered the booklets, each one was for a different tourist spot in our area.

I grabbed my small backpack and put the booklets inside along with my wallet that had all the allowance money Mephisto gave me since I enrolled. I've been saving it for something special and fun and this seems like the perfect occasion. I slung it onto my back and turned to Rin, a big smile on my face as I extend my hand out for him to grab. He takes my hand, a smirk on his face as I pull him up off my bed. "Let's go!" I say excitedly as I drag him behind me as I race down the staircases.

"You don't need to run!"

Rin said as he tried keeping up with me so he wouldn't fall flat on his face. I stopped running and let out a huff. "Fiiiiiine, we'll walk." I grabbed the doorknob to the front door and before I opened it someone obnoxiously cleared their throat. Rin and I turn around, once we saw Yukio, Rin shook his hand out of my grasp.

"Where are you guys going in such a rush?" He pushed his glasses up and crossed his arms.

"Sightseeing." I answered vaguely.

"On a school night?"

"Who are you? My dad!?" I scoffed.

"You guys can't leave without being supervised. You know that."

"Let me guess, it's because we're demons huh? Well newsflash Yukio, so are you. Both you AND Rin are part demon part human. So why is it that he's the only brother that has to be supervised!? Just because you can't engulf yourself in blue flames doesn't mean you have no demon in you."

I was so enraged by the school's dumb rule and how pushy Yukio is being that I failed to notice Rin awkwardly standing next to me. And I failed, even more, to notice the black flames dancing around my body. Yukio slowly reached for the gun on his side. I saw what he was doing and felt hurt. "Are you kidding me!? Now you're reaching for your gun? Just because I got mad!?" Rin put his hand on my shoulder and tried to get me to calm down.

"I'm new here and I want to learn, your world is so beautiful and mine is bleak and dangerous. Not every demon wants to kill, some of us want to be equal!"

"Just go, have fun. I'm not picking a fight with you." Yukio said and turned around walking away. Rin gently grabbed my arm, I turned to look at him.

"Let's go, forget about him. He doesn't know what it's like."

"But he should."


"Here try this."

Rin said as he picked up a dorayaki and put it up to my mouth. I looked at him suspiciously then took a bite from it. I looked back up at him wide-eyed. "This is really good!" He handed me the dorayaki and so I finished it as he ate another one. We were sitting together on a bench eating lunch that I bought from one of the gift shops that belonged to the first tourist place we went to. We threw our trash away and walked back to the tourist site. "Come here." Rin said and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me into his side. He pulled out his phone and opened up his camera.


He took a picture of us together with the tourist spot in the background. He had the biggest grin on his face while I was blushing. He looked at the photo and laughed. I groaned and yanked his phone from his hand, turning the phone off. "Wha- Hey! Gimme my phone dammit!" He tried taking his phone from my hand but I extended my arm away from him more. He kept leaning over to get his phone but he ended up falling onto the floor. Nearby people were starting to look so I helped him up and gave him his phone back.

"You're a dork Rin."

"I am not stupid!" Rin half yelled offended.

"Dorks aren't stupid, they're funny and cute."

I said walking to our transportation with him next to me. He blushed a medium red as he scratched his head and smiled, mumbling lots of random sentences at a fast speed.

"You think I'm cute?" He said finally calming down.

"Yeah, and what of it?" I looked confused.

He scratched his head with a nervous chuckle as he continued to mumble random things, things I could barely understand from how fast he was speaking.

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