Chapter Two

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"Ok, we need to find a home (F/n)."

I said looking down at her, she meowed and her stomach growled. "I'm hungry too..." I said to her just then it started to rain, I put my hood up, tucked my tail in, and shoved (F/n) in my sweater so she can be warm and dry. 'Thank you...' She said, I smiled and kissed her forehead causing her to lightly purr. 'You're welcome.' Then our adventure to find a home and some food began.

It was raining hard and I was drenched, thankfully (F/n) remained dry but she was cold. I sat down on the sidewalk leaning against the wall of a monastery, completely giving up, I then laughed to myself at the irony. People walked by me with things over their heads keeping the water from getting them wet.

'(F/n) what are they using to stay dry?'

'It's called an umbrella, it keeps the rain off whatever is under it.'

She replied popping her little head out of the jacket just to pop it back in when her head got wet. "We need one of those." I mumbled. People would look down at me then continue walking or not even look at me, I didn't understand why they looked. Just then the rain stopped hitting me. Confused I looked up and there I saw a female with her umbrella over me.

"Are you ok? Do you need help?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." I lied to her.

"Here, it's not much but it's something." She then handed me something and walked off.

The rain began to pour down on me again. I looked down at what she gave me, it was a piece of paper with a number on it and a person's face. However it didn't feel like paper, it was smoother and much softer than paper. (F/n) looked at what I was holding and meowed.

'It's human money! Keep it, it'll help us!'

"Fine eh?" I heard a man's voice call out from behind me.

I looked up and saw an old man, he wore priest clothes, I cringed on the inside. I pulled my hoodie down so he couldn't see my face, (F/n) was shaking inside my jacket from the weather. So I pulled her closer to my stomach. "Why are you out in the rain alone?" He asked me with curiosity and worry laced in his voice, he seemed like he was able to help. "I'm not alone, I'm with my cat." I said not looking at him. He squatted down still holding the umbrella over us. "Then why aren't you home?" I looked at him. "I don't have a home." I said vaguely, "Where are your parents?" He questions further, containing the same amount of worry.


I said vaguely again, he seemed nice but I didn't know him not to mention he's a priest and they kill demons. I can't trust him. How could I trust him? "You could live in the monastery with me, I have two boys who are your age and they could use a friend." His offer was pretty intriguing but there is no way I could trust a priest. "But you're a priest, therefore I can't trust you." I said simply, he furrowed his brows in confusion.

"What makes you say that?"

"You kill my kind..."

I said with anger and hurt in my voice but remained calm. He must've caught on because I heard him mutter 'demon' under his breath. "I won't kill you unless you give me a reason to, you'll be safe in the monastery." He said standing up, the rain hitting me again. He reached his hand out for me to grab. I looked up at him and saw him smile, his eyes closed and a lit cigarette in his mouth.

"What do you say?" He added, I grabbed his hand and got up careful to not drop (F/n).

"Ok...thank you."

"My name is Shiro, what's yours?"

"(Y/n)..and this is (F/n) my familiar."

"(Y/n) in (Y/n) (L/n), daughter of (D/n) and (M/n)?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yes. That's me." I nodded.

"Sounds like I'm going to have my hands full."

He smirked to himself and then led me to the monastery. "I'm not as bad as your stupid legends say." I grumbled. (F/n) popped her head out of my jacket and meowed, he looked at the cat as if he knew her. "I have a demon cat just like her, his name is Kuro." (F/n) popped her head back in once rain splashed on her fur. We walked into the monastery and he called out into the empty room. "Rin! Yukio! Come here I have someone I want you to meet!" Shiro called out, wait, I know those names, is he their father or is this just a coincidence?

Just then I saw Rin and Yukio come into the room, I let (F/n) down on the ground, and she shook herself dry and stayed close by my side. "Oh hey, it's you again!" Rin said with happiness in his voice, was he happy to see me, or is he just being friendly? "You already met?" Shiro asked looking at me, I nodded. "She's the girl that helped me out earlier." Rin said talking as if it was no big deal, which it really wasn't.

"Eh!? You? (Y/n), helped someone?" Shiro asked in fake shock clearly referencing me being a demon.

"What's that supposed to mean Shiro!? We can help people ya know! We're not all bad!" I growled and he laughed.

"Well that saves me some time, Yukio, Rin, could you show her around and show her the guest room? She's going to be staying with us from now on."

I looked up at him and smiled, this is the first human that has shown me this much kindness apart from Rin and Yukio. And that random lady on the street. Just then my stomach growled loudly, I clutched my stomach embarrassed and in hopes that the growling would muffle. But it didn't.

"Let's have dinner first."

Shiro said then let out a laugh as he patted my shoulder. We all went into their kitchen where I saw a few more people. I was introduced to them and we all sat down at the table. (F/n) jumped up on my lap and excitedly looked at the table seeing all the food. It all looked so tasty, I picked up my chopsticks. I put some meat on a small plate and gave it to (F/n) making sure it was in bite sizes for her. 'Thank you!' She said and then began to eat happily. Then we all ate in peace.

Once we finished dinner, Rin and Yukio showed me around the place and told me the rules then once the tour was done they showed me my new room and left me alone so I could unpack my things and settle in. I didn't have much in the one bag all I had was anything I was able to fit in there. (F/n) jumped up on our bed, curled up in a ball, and started to sleep, so I began to unpack.

"They seem nice..." I said to myself.

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