Chapter Eighteen

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"Where do we land!?" Bon yelled out.

Kuro and (F/n) are running around all over the castle looking for a clear spot of land to land on. Every time they ran over the castle it would try attacking us. "This thing is huge!" Bon yelled looking behind us where the goop would shift and try grabbing us. "That's what she said!" I yelled out snickering to myself. "How can you make jokes in this situation!?" Bon yelled at me angrily.

"Are you kidding? This is like a walk in the park in Gehenna!"

"Did I use that term right?" I asked looking at Rin worried.

"Yup! You're doing great!" Rin cheered.

"Yay! I'm learning!" I cheered clasping my hands together.

We made it to the center of the castle-like building the goop is starting to shape. Bon did a sutra and connected his finger to the ground. Causing a barrier to form all around the goopy castle. "Nice Bon!" I yelled with a giant smile on my face. "Come on Rin let's go!" I said as I drew my sword, my tail becoming unwrapped from my waist and my black flames surrounding my body and sword. I turned to face him and extended my hand out for him to take.

"I can't..." Rin looked down.

"What are you talking about?" I looked at him, my hand slowly retracting.

"I can't draw my sword."

"That doesn't matter. You're still useful without it."

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him up onto (F/n)'s back. "Kuro, protect Bon. I'm counting on you!" I said to Kuro who was attacking the advancing goop. "It's going to pop!" Rin yelled pointing towards the giant spore. The spore looked like it was moving inside from all the gas collecting and then it popped. The gas came shooting out but was contained by the barrier Bon put out. The pressure of the gas racing out of the spore caused Rin and I to fall off (F/n).

"(Y/n)!" Rin yelled trying to get to me.

The giant gust of the gas caused me to fall onto a rock and roll over to where the goop was. The goop started to cover me slowly. "Get off me!" I shouted triggering my fire to activate and burn away the goop. I quickly moved towards Bon and with my sword, I slashed the goop that was about to attack him. "Rin go and kill this ass! I'll protect Bon!" Rin nodded and hopped on (F/n). I looked over to where Rin was and saw my uncle pop up from behind all the gas.

"Yes, it's me, uncle!"

I yelled out and rolled my eyes as I slashed another piece of goop that was going for Bon. "Yes, I have grown a lot!" I yelled as I mentally groaned. "No uncle I'm not going to stop!" I said as I cut another. "Are you seriously having small talk as we fight!?" Bon yelled as he tried his best to keep his fingers in contact with the ground. "Look I haven't seen him since I was 28! Give me a break!" I yelled at Bon as I cut three more goops trying to attack him. "What do you mean 28!?" He yelled confused. "Sorry I keep forgetting to say my age in human years, I meant to say 4." I explained.

"Hey cut it out!"

I yelled as the goop started going after me instead of Bon. I started swinging my sword faster cutting them as much as I could. I used my fire as best as I could to keep it back but more and more started coming after me. There was now this giant swarm of the goop and it covered me up to my neck. "Rin!" I yelled out trying to get his attention. He stopped trying to unsheath his sword and ran up to me.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) are you ok!?"

Rin yelled running up to me as close as he could. The goop was slowly covering me more. "Look I'm fine, he only-" Before I could finish my sentence the goop covered me up to my nose. "I'll save you!" Rin yelled, and the last thing I saw before the goop covered me whole was Rin covered in his blue fire enraged.


I woke up and sat up rubbing my eyes I examined the room I was in. I was on a thin mattress on the floor in one of the rooms of the inn. I looked around and saw I was in the room of the infected. I got up and opened the door since the room was empty. "(Y/n) you're awake!" Shiemi said happily, this caused the group of people she was talking to, to turn around. "(Y/n)!" Rin exclaimed as he happily wagged his tail.

He did his happy run as he ran up to me. "How did you not get infected? When I defeated the impure king everyone who was touched by that goop and got infected got cured. But you weren't infected at all." Rin said as he examined me making sure I was ok. "His gas, and the goop, don't infect demons. That's what I tried telling you up on the hill." I explained.

"Glad to see you're awake."

Shima said as he patted my shoulder with a smile. "How long was I asleep?" I asked looking at Rin and Shima. "About a whole day." Yukio said pushing his glasses up. I scoffed and turned away from him and paid my attention to everyone else. "Hey, he and I made up while you were sleeping. I think it's time you and him made up too." Rin said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I threw my head back and made an exaggerated groan to show I didn't want to. "Fine!" I turned around and faced Yukio then I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry I stole all your manga." Rin nudged my side signaling me to apologize more. "Aaand I'm sorry I slammed your face against the cell bars." I looked at the ground awkwardly.

"You did that!?" Shima asked shocked.

"It was so cool!" Rin geeked.

"I owe you an apology as well (Y/n). I'm sorry I treated you like a dangerous demon."

"It's ok, just don't do it again. Or else I'll show you how dangerous I can be."

I laughed at my own joke, I looked around and saw everyone looking scared and concerned except Rin. "Guys it's just a joke." I said annoyed. Everyone let out a sigh of relief, I looked at Yukio and mumbled.

"It's a half-joke."

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