Chapter Six

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"It's so hot out..."

I groaned, Rin groggily took out two popsicles and handed me one. "Tell me about it.." He complained. I shoved the cold popsicle in my mouth and felt much more cooler. Rin bit his popsicle and I looked at him as if he was crazy. "How the hell can your teeth let you do that!?" He looked at me confused. "Eat ice cream?" I shook my head. "No dumbass, bite it. Anytime I do that my teeth freeze and hurt." He shrugged, "Guess my teeth aren't that sensitive." We continued talking the rest of the way back to our dorm, our conversation mainly consisted of us talking about the things in Assiah.

"So that's why people call me alligator when they say bye!?"

I exclaimed, Rin nodded taking another bite out of his popsicle. "Yup, it's just an expression." I opened the dorm door leading to Yukio and Rin's room, Rin walked in then (F/n), then I did, closing the door behind me. (F/n) hopped up on Rin's desk under the window and curled into a ball.

Rin talked to Yukio who was sitting at his own desk writing some things down, I assumed he was studying or grading students' papers. I picked up one of Yukio's mangas and began reading it while I laid down on Rins bed. I found no trouble in making myself comfortable in their room since I knew them for about two or so years now. Yukio leaned back in his chair to look at me, I was laying down on my stomach reading Yukio's romance mangas while my tail wagged side to side excitedly.

"How many times do I have to say this? Buy your own manga!"

He got up and took his manga from my hand. I looked up at him and whined. "No fair! Why would I have to if you already have it!?" I pouted, my tail stopped wagging, and rested on Rins bed next to me. Yukio put his manga away on his bookshelf and pushed up his glasses.

I got up from Rins bed and dragged myself to my room, "I'll be doing homework if you need me." I yawned. "Good idea, Rin, you should do the same." Yukio said smugly to Rin, he groaned and threw his head back but reluctantly took out his homework. As soon as I sat down at my desk I heard Rin yelling at Yukio while Yukio occasionally yelled back. I sighed and stood up then walked back to their room.

"Do not fear, the peacemaker is here." I said annoyed yet amused at my anime reference.

"Otaku." Rin grumbled as he sat on his bed.

"That I am, now what the hell happened?" I said crossing my arms and leaning against their doorway.

Yukio got a call on his phone, he picked it up and began to talk. I looked over at Rin, we locked eyes and he gulped. "Well?" I asked giving him a death stare, "Nothing, we just argued." Rin waved his hands dismissively as he looked worried about what I might do. Yukio hung up and pulled out a new pair of glasses, I saw he had a broken pair on his head. Rin must've done that. Rin's tail wagged side to side in excitement. "Is that a mission!? Can we come!?" Rin grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him as he ran up to Yukio who was already at the staircase. I blushed at the contact of his hand, it fit perfectly in mine and was so warm and comfortable.

We made it to a bridge, I wonder why. We heard demon cat growls from behind the police tape, Yukio went under the tape and Rin dragged me up to the tape then finally let go of my hand. "Your hands are warm." I said blushing, he looked at me confused then smiled. "Thanks, yours too." We walked up to the tape, (F/n) right by my side. Yukio let us in and we all four walked to the source of the growling. It was a demon cat, exactly like (F/n) except he had bits of white. "Kuro the cat who guards the bridge went rouge." One of the guys explained to Yukio. "Kuro!? I know that cat! It's Shiro's familiar." I said excitedly, I remembered he told me about him when he and I met.

'You liars! You're all liars!' Kuro yelled.

I looked over towards Kuro and felt sad, I looked down at (F/n). "Promise me you'll never go ape shit if I die before you." (F/n) looked up at me and shook her head. 'No promises.' I groaned and pat her head. Rin talked with some people then walked up to Kuro and began talking. I sat on the ground and watched this all go down, (F/n) jumped up and sat on my lap. I couldn't hear what Rin was saying but he managed to calm down Kuro. "You know...Yukio.." I said looking up at Yukio, he looked down at me.

"What is it?"

"I know Rin can be dumb at times, but you really need to trust him more when it comes to this kind of stuff..."

Yukio looked up and pushed his glasses up, the sun reflecting off of it. "You think so?" I nodded even though he couldn't see. "Yes, Rin is a lot more helpful than you think. Not to mention it's unfair to treat him as a rouge demon rather than a brother." Yukio looked down at me shocked. "Don't think I haven't noticed. As soon as his powers woke up and Shiro died, you've been treating him differently. All I'm saying is that it's not fair. He's the only family you have left and he cares deeply about you."

Kuro changed back into his small cat self and began crying, this made my heart drop. "That hurts us you know when you treat us like that." I got up and looked at Yukio, and walked next to Rin, (F/n) following right next to me. Kuro stopped crying and saw (F/n) and I, I knelt down to his level and smiled. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." I said my last name a little bit quiet so the other exorcists couldn't hear. Kuro's eyes widened. "I was a friend of Shiro's, well, he kind of raised me in a way. He told me a lot about you." Kuro walked up to me.

'You're the (Y/n) (L/n)!?' I nodded my head.

"And this is (F/n), my familiar." I said motioning to (F/n), they walked up to each other and sniffed noses. I stood up and looked at Rin and smiled. "Guess you got a familiar like me now!" He laughed a little. "I think they like each other too." Rin and I looked down at Kuro and (F/n) who were playing with each other. Rin and I were sitting on some stairs nearby the bridge while Yukio was doing paperwork and talking with the other exorcists. Kuro was rubbing his head on Rin's lap while purring, (F/n) was asleep on my lap. "You did good today Rin." I said looking over at him smiling, he blushed and smiled back.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, way to use your head too." I laughed.

Yukio came up to us and sat on the stairs next to Rin, putting the container Shiro gave him on the step next to him. Kuro grabbed the container and rolled it over to Rin pawing at it. 'This smells like a present from Shiro!' Kuro said happily, Rin and I looked at him, (F/n) woke up and stretched. Yukio looked at us confused, "He says that thing smells like a present from the old man." And so Yukio opened the container and unscrewed the lid, he poured some of the liquid contents into a small bowl.

Kuro got very excited and started to jump around. 'Let me have my present!' Kuro exclaimed. 'Present? I want a present!' (F/n) said whining, I laughed. 'We can share it!' Kuro said happily, (F/n) hopped off my lap and walked over to Kuro and they both licked the liquid happily.

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