Chapter Fifteen

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"Where am I?"

I asked groggily as I sat up from the cold ground, rubbing my head I looked around. I noticed I was in a cell and saw Rin laying on the ground right next to me. "Rin!" I yelled happily I wasn't alone, I crawled my way up to him still feeling weak from waking up. "Rin are you ok!?" I asked concerned shaking him, he woke up and groaned. Rubbing his head and looking around the place just like how I did. "Are you ok?" He asked looking at me ignoring my question, he pulled something out from the side of my neck.

I whined from the discomfort and looked at what was in his hand, a blow dart with a seal for my family on it. I yanked it from his hand and burnt it to ash. I sat down against the wall, Rin following my actions. "Why are we imprisoned?" I asked looking at Rin, hoping he would have some answers. "Because the council is determining if you guys should be kept alive or not." Shura said stepping up to our cell door. Shura handed Rin a letter, he opened the envelope and started to read it. I crawled up next to him curious about what it was about.

"You too eh?" I heard Yukio say.

I jumped up on my feet and reached my arm through the cell bars, yanking Yukio as hard as I could against the bars. "You better watch it, I don't tolerate sass from people who piss me off. You're supposed to be helping your brother and your friend, and what are doing? Letting them get locked up!" I threw Yukio down onto the ground and left to the very back corner of the cell. "I do care about you guys." Yukio said, I turned around to face him and blew up in black flames. "Then show it!" I yelled turning back around and making the fire immediately go out. "You're all traitors. Yukio should be in here too." I spoke sadly sitting in a dark corner.

Yukio started reading aloud Rin's letter, I listened in silence as I stared at the back wall showing an uninterested look. Yukio and Shura left after conversing with Rin for a long while. I felt someone stare at me then I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned my head around and saw legs, looking up I saw Rin slightly bending over with a concerned look. "What's got you all worked up?" He asked sitting next to me.

"I'm mad Rin, the dumb council is deciding whether or not we should be kept alive. And I know damn well they're going to kill me."

"I won't let them."

He sat down next to me, I looked at him confused and so he brought me closer to his side and wrapped his arm around my neck. "I won't let them kill you, or me." He said again, staring straight ahead, I trailed his gaze and saw he was just staring into space, there was nothing, in particular, he was looking at. "Mephisto what are you doing here!?" I said excitedly seeing my old friend pop up in his dog form, he turned into his regular form and said one of his spells. A weird oven-like thing appeared right in front of Rin and me, the door to it opened, and I looked at Rin confused. He had an equally confused look.

A metal arm came out from inside and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in. "RIN!" I yelled trying to grab his hand for help, but a metal arm grabbed him too. "(Y/N)!" He yelled back trying to reach me. The metal arm pulled us both inside the weird oven-like thing and dropped us causing us to fall from a really tall height. After a while of screaming Rin and I reached the bottom and landed on all sorts of bits of metal. I winced in pain as I rubbed the areas that got stabbed by poky pieces of metal. "WHAT THE HELL MEPHISTO!" I yelled up into the weird sky. "He's a traitor too..." I mumbled more sad.

I struggled to get up from the pile of metal, "Rin!? Rin where are you!?" I yelled out into the seemingly endless pile of junk. "(Y/n)!?" I heard Rin yell back, I started running in the direction I heard him from. I trip over a piece of rebar and fell, rolling over in pain I got back up. "Rin! I'm here!" I yelled out again hoping I would run into him soon. I saw a silhouette in the shape of a person so I quickened my pace and ran faster. As soon as I got closer I was able to make out it was Rin. "Rin! You're ok!" I yelled happily and tackle-hugged him. We fell onto the metal due to impact and groaned from the pain it caused us. "Sorry." I nervously laughed.

"You got cut."

Rin pointed to my forearm, I looked at it and noticed it was sliced open. "It's pretty shallow, I'll be ok." I said looking back up at him. I didn't see any scraps or cuts on him so it looked like he got lucky. I looked around the place trying to see if there was an exit of some kind. "It looks like it's just metal scraps for miles." I said continuing to look around. I started to feel like we weren't going to get out of this anytime soon. I accepted defeat and sat down on a flat sheet of metal, Rin following my action.

"What do we do now?"

I asked showing I was losing hope. Rin pulled me close to him and rubbed circles on my back trying to comfort me. "I'm not sure, but we'll get through this. Together." He said in a comforting tone, I looked at him with a soft smile and rested my head on his shoulder. "Everyone we know stabbed us in the back.. even Yukio. I'll never trust them again." I spoke staring into the horizon of metal on metal. "I'm sure they didn't stab us in the back, they'll come for us. Yukio always has our backs." He spoke with an optimistic attitude.

"Yukio treats us like we're dangerous demons. Which, we are, but we're not trying to kill anyone."

"He's my brother, he wouldn't betray us." Rin spoke firmly.

I couldn't help but sigh, I knew he was wrong but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to drag his mood down with mine. I want him to stay happy...

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