Chapter Fourteen

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Since we're in Kyoto staying at Bon's family inn we've had to help around the place. We were led to the room where they kept all the infected people, though there weren't as many from when I was younger. Rin and I walked off to tend to the infected as the class was instructed but the collars of our shirts were grabbed. We stopped walking and turned around to see one of the higher-up exorcists.

"Rin. (Y/n). You guys have to do something else."

"Like what?" Rin asked.

"Pick up trash or something."

The man spoke and awkwardly walked away after handing us a black trash bag. I crumbled the trash bag in my hand from anger and let out a frustrated growl. I handed the bag to Rin and we started to walk around the whole inn picking up any trash. We spent a good ten minutes walking around picking trash up and getting handed trash by the few people passing by. I tossed the bag in the trash and we started to explore the inn. "Pssst hey!" Rin and I turned around and saw this middle-aged bald guy waving us down, we went up to him curious if he needed help. "Could you cut these up for me and hand them out to the infected?" He asked with an awkward yet happy laugh. "Oooh watermelon!" Rin beamed happily as he squat down to get a better look at them.

Rin started talking to the old man, he seemed concerned for him. I started to chop up the watermelon into perfect slices that you could see in commercials. Once I finished I handed a slice to the old man and Rin, then I took one for myself. "So what's your guys' name?" He asked taking a bite from his slice of watermelon.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."

"And I'm Rin Okumura."

The old man let a small gasp out, it seemed like he remembered something, as if he got a flashback just by us saying our names. I mentally groaned and cursed annoyed that this drunken man could possibly be another person assuming Rin and I are bad. "So who are you?" I asked snapping him out of his daydream and in hopes to sidetrack things away from probable chaos. "I'm Bon's dad." He said nervously as he scratched the top of his bald head. Rin yelled in shock causing the old man to laugh and say it was true. Once we finished our slices of watermelon Rin and I picked up a tray and turned around to look for the old man.

"What are you doing!?"

I half yelled in concern, the man was trying to climb over the inn wall, I sighed and sat my tray of watermelon down, going over to him I helped him get over the wall. "Thanks, miss." I heard him say on the other side, Rin and I walked inside the room of the infected with the watermelon and started handing them out. One for each person.


"Oh, here I can get that."

I said as I picked up a stack of bento filled with food from Shima's arms. He looked like he was struggling with it so I thought I could help him out. "But it's heavy." He said shocked, I shrugged, and with a smile, I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. "Demon powers baby." I giggled and followed Rin to where we had to deliver the food, Bon, Shima, and Konekomaru following behind us. They seemed to be quietly arguing about something. Shima was being very defensive. We dropped off the food and Shura told us we were able to go to sleep after dinner seeing as though it was 10:00 PM. I celebrated as (F/n) danced along the ground, happy she was able to sleep in our comfortable bed.

I plopped down on the closest cut tree trunk and started to eat my food happily, Rin opened his canned beverage and took a big sip of it. Shima nervously sat on the opposite side of the path we were at and took his food out. "So you don't wanna eat with us either!?" Rin slurred out, I looked at him confused, and there I saw in his hand was one of Shura's hard liquor can, she must've given him one by mistake. His face was dusted with pink as he talked to Shima about how he hates they're avoiding us.

"Dude, you're drunk."

I poked his side, he flinched and wacked my hand away from his side. "Jeez if you wanna date me at least take me out!" He slurred, and I couldn't help but laugh. Shima explained to Rin and me about everything the classmates feel towards us and then left for bed. "So they don't hate us.." I said to myself. "Why are humans so confusing!" I facepalmed annoyed. "At least demons are straightforward." I sighed and abruptly stood up.

I tossed away Rin and I's trash, and taking Rins hand I hoisted him up off the ground and led him to Yukio, Rin, and I's shared room. "You're pretty cute ya know.~" Rin said with googly eyes. "Thank you." I lead Rin to his bed and helped him take his shoes off. "Thank you for helping me." He slurred as he laid down under the covers. "It's the least I can do after everything you and Yukio did for me." I smiled softly. I was about to go to my own bed but he grabbed my hand so I turned around to see what he wanted.

"You wanna go on a date?" He slurred.

"Maybe if that came from a sober Rin.~" I teased.

Rin sat up and raised his hand to grip my forearm. "I'm as sober as a rock." He continued to slur and spoke in a whining major. I looked down at him and sighed, a little disappointed he would ask me like this. I leaned down to his level and kissed his forehead then brushed some of his hair out of his face.

"Ask me when you're sober.."

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