Chapter Nineteen

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I turned onto my side and saw (F/n) sleeping by my side wrapped in bandages. She had a giant snot bubble signifying she was in a deep sleep. I rolled onto my other side, to view the opposite side of the room. And there I saw Rin and Kuro laying on his thin mattress. "You up?" I whispered, not wanting to wake up the rest of the people in the room. They were all still recovering and I didn't want to disturb them. "Yeah what's up?" He said rolling onto his side to face me.

I smiled big with a pink blush dusting my cheeks. I gave him a small wave, he returned the wave with a wave of his own. "Thanks for saving everyone." I whispered again, Rins face turned red as he started to nervously shift in his blankets. "Well someone had to step up." He nervously laughed, his cheeks becoming pinker and pinker. "Whatcha tryna say, Okumura?" I growled and kicked his leg. "Ow! Hey, that hurt! I didn't mean it like that!" Rin threw his blanket off and held the area on his leg that I had kicked.

"So are you alright?"

I asked as I shifted getting into a more comfortable position on my side. He laid back on his side and scooted closer to me. "I'm fine, it wasn't that bad." Rin chucked, I cocked a brow in confusion and pointed at him. "But Shiemi said you got hurt bad, hell you got bandages on you." I poked his nose, he instinctively touched his nose.

"So...Dating huh?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Rin said blushing darker.

I heard snickering next to my head so I sat up and turned around, there I saw Shima covering his mouth with his hands. He was laying in the bed above my head. "Why are you here?" Rin growled. "I didn't feel like walking to my folk's place so I crashed here." Shima said still laughing a bit. "You guys are dating!? That's so cute!" Shiemi cheered clasping her hands together as she did a happy squeal. Rin grumbled and threw the blankets over his head.

"Aww is someone embarrassed?~"

Shima teased as he poked the covers where Rins head was. "Am not!" Rin yelled as he threw the blankets off him again. "(Y/n) I'm hungry!" (F/n) whined pawing at my thigh, I looked down at her and scratched her head. "Alright let's go get food fatty." I joked looking at her cute little pudge. She didn't like the joke because she hissed. "Whaat I'm sorry, I think you look cute. There's just more of you to love now." I picked her up and dusted off the robe I was wearing. "Where are you going?" Rin asked.

"(F/n) and I are getting food." (F/n) let out a happy meow.

"Can I come!?" Rin wagged his tail happily.

I nodded happily, Kuro pawed at Rin and begged to tag along. Rin picked him up and we walked to the inn's kitchen together. We sat our familiars down on the ground and walked up to the people inside the kitchen. "Would you two like breakfast?"

"Yes please!" Rin and I exclaimed in unison.

They handed us a bento and we happily left the kitchen after thanking them. We walked back into the bedroom and sat on our beds. "Ooh what'd ya get?" Shima asked intrigued, I moved my bento away from his view. "Go get your own." Shima groaned, got up, and left the room after mumbling a 'fine.' (F/n) put her two front paws on my leg and waved her front paw at me. "Will you share? Please? Oh pleaseee!?" I placed my bento on the floor so she could see what was inside. "Have at it." I said watching her pick through it. Rin peered his head over and looked at mine than his.

"Do you want my bento?"

"Huh?" I looked at him confused.

"You have a sushi you hate and I have a sushi you love."

" don't like this sushi either." I said looking at the bento and then back at him.

"That's ok."

He sat his bento in front of me and took mine, Kuro snatched a piece of fish from the bento and started eating it on Rins mattress. I handed (F/n) a piece of fish and she started to eat it. "Thank you." I looked up at Rin blushing lightly.

"Ugh get a room!"

Izumo yelled on the opposite side of the small divider. "We're in a room smartass!" I fire back, she popped her head out from behind the divider and frowned. "I meant you're own." I turned around to look back at Rin and saw he was eating his food as if he was watching a movie. I threw my pillow at him with a playful eye roll. I picked up my bento after (F/n) had picked out what she wanted. She was eating her food so happy I couldn't help but aw at the sight.

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