Chapter Four

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Today was Rin, Yukio, and I's first day of class, I was pretty nervous but Rin seemed excited. Mephisto guided Rin and I to our class since it was our first day, we didn't see Yukio and I found that odd. Maybe he just woke up early, he is an early bird after all. Mephisto bid us farewell and left, I put my hand on the handle of the classroom door and looked at Rin. "Ready?" I asked him, he nodded so I opened the door, and inside we saw a small classroom with only a few people, all of which had their own styles and looked rather interesting.

I really hated the female uniform I was forced to wear, I always hated skirts, I was more of a pants gal. So I compromised and wore knee-high socks to cover up more skin because I really hated the thought of people looking at my body. Not to mention it made it much harder to hide my tail, but I managed. Nothing the daughter of the second and third most powerful demon can't handle. Rin and I sat down in the front of the class at an empty table, I made sure I was next to him so that way if he did anything stupid I could stop him. Just then the bell rang and in walked our teacher.


Rin and I exclaimed in shock, I couldn't believe Rins little brother was going to be our teacher. Yukio clearly didn't like that we shouted his first name let alone not raising our hands. But how was I supposed to know? I have never been in a class before, let alone a school! I grew up homeschooled and was taught about Gehenna, not Assiah. Maybe I should've enrolled in normal classes as well after all..."Since you've been home-schooled all your life you're excused. Rin, however, you are not." Yukio was really mad that Rin kept pressing about him being a teacher so he made the whole class leave, including me.

We were all waiting outside, we heard yelling, gunshots, etc. "What the hell is that guy's problem?" A two-toned-haired boy said annoyed. I looked at him and shrugged.

"They're brothers, Yukio, our teacher never told his brother or me about this, so we were shocked."

"And you are?"

The two-toned boy asked still annoyed. "I'm (Y/n) a friend of the two dumbasses inside our classroom, and you are?" I said annoyed that this guy was acting like he was tough and badass. "I'm Bon." He said, "And I'm Shima." A pink-haired boy introduced themselves to me while shaking my hand. I shook his hand back because I didn't want to seem rude. Just then the classroom door opened up, the class was a mess and Rins pointy ears were showing, I started to blush. I don't know why but lately Rin has been very attractive to me, maybe it was because he was a demon too? I never really saw him to be this attractive up until his demon powers woke up.

I sat down in my seat and Yukio began our class, he started talking about temptaints, asking who didn't have one. A few people had raised their hands and so today was the day they received their temptaints. Everything Yukio was teaching I had already known about so I started to doze off due to boredom. He must've noticed this because he had asked me a question, and all eyes were on me.

I sighed, I hated when I was put in the spotlight but I answered the question he had given me. I mean it was a really basic question, it was about coaltars! They're the most easiest demon to learn about. He nodded signifying my answer was correct and he continued on with his boring lecture until class was just about over. He stopped his lecture when he noticed the time and let everybody pack up their things one minute before the bell had rung to show it was the end of the day. I yawned as I grabbed my thin binder that contained my school work, I was enrolled in the exorcist classes only so I didn't need a locker or a backpack like most kids.

Especially since I already know everything there is to Gehenna. Maybe I should ask Mephisto if they have any classes that teach demons about Assiah. "Hey, guys I'm going to see if I can talk to Mephisto about a class." I said to Yukio and Rin who was in the class still packing up their things while our classmates began to leave. "What kind of class?" Rin asked with curiosity, Yukio now looking up to show he too was paying attention.

"I wanted to see if he has a class that teaches demons about this world since I know practically nothing."

I said shyly and made sure the lingering students weren't able to hear my explanation. "I don't think he has classes for demons, but if you would like Rin and I can teach you about Assiah." Yukio suggested while pushing up his glasses causing a glare to show on the lens for a mere second. "Yeah, I would have no problem with that." Rin said resting his arms behind his neck and closing his eyes. This made me smile big, they have done so much for me, and I wish I could do something for them in return. "Thank you so much that would be amazing!" I happily cheered and threw myself on them both forcing a group hug.

Rin hugged back, his arms around my waist made me blush, Yukio hesitantly hugged back with his arms draped around Rin and me. I knew Yukio was flustered by the sudden outburst because I never really hugged him before, and I wasn't too sure about how Rin felt. We separated from the group hug with a huge smile still plastered on my face, Rin was blushing which made me blush. "So when can you guys teach me?" I asked happily picking up my binder so we could all go home.

Rin and Yukio picked up their things and we walked out of the classroom on our way to our dorm while still talking. "I think Rin could teach you starting today after dinner. Every day after school." Yukio said calmly, "Hang on didn't you say we both help her!? So why just me!?" Rin said annoyed. "Yes, I did. However, if you were to teach her it might make you use your brain more." Rin got mad at this statement and I laughed. "I honestly don't care who teaches me for what reason, I just want to learn so I can make friends and not rely on people." I said shrugging, this made Rin stop his yelling and look over at me dumbfounded yet also another emotion I could not quite read. But it looks like the way I look at him when he's not looking.

Yukio gave Rin a stack of books containing all sorts of knowledge of different intelligence levels. "Ok Yukio gave me all sorts of books to help you with. And also flash cards." He picked up a pencil and the flashcards and held up a flash card for me to see. "Yukio wants me to see how much you know already. So, what do you think this is? And if you don't know that's ok, don't stress over it." I nodded and looked at the card, it looked weird. It was two curved lines with a bunch of lines evenly spaced out that connected the two.

"A horribly made cage?"

Rin shook his head and placed the card down, and marked off a square on a sheet of paper. "It's called a jungle gym, kids use it to climb on for fun. But if you climb on it too much it can hurt your hands." He held up another flashcard and this time I knew what it was.

"That's a tree!" I said happily.

"This is actually broccoli. It's a food, trees aren't. It's ok though, I used to get this one mixed up too."

"How about this one?" He held up another card.

"That looks like...a car?" I asked not wanting to get it wrong.

"Yeah, you got it! Good job, I'm proud of ya!" He beamed.

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