Ignored | Chapter 12

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A/n: Double update POG. It's a gift after not posting for like a whole month. Sorry!

This is a few weeks after your birthday.

Tubbo POV

It's been 2 days and I haven't heard from Y/n at all. She wouldn't pick up the phone, she hasn't streamed in a while for me to check, and her discord is set on Do Not Disturb Mode, so I'm not sure if she's online or not. 

Yesterday, Tommy said that Y/n was texting him, so I'm not sure if she has been ignoring me or not. Her fanbase is saying that it's her occasional break time, but even then, wouldn't she answer her phone? 

A few hours later and I was sure Y/n was ignoring me. Her messages were marked as read but she never replied to any of them. Did I do something wrong? What did I do? Tommy was obviously not being ignored, so why was I? Was it because I betrayed her in Among Us a few days back? Or maybe it was because I accidently burnt her trident in Minecraft? 

I'm sure it wasn't that. She just shrugged it off and started singing We didn't start the fire, so I'm sure it wasn't that. Unless she was hiding her frustrations? Maybe she really was angry at me for burning her trident. I knew she spent a lot of time grinding and trading with villagers to enchant it. 

Maybe I was being to annoying? But I'm sure I wasn't. Unless I couldn't tell. I opened up our messages and scrolled up, reading our past text. A majority of them were from me and my nerves increased even more. It was a possibility. 

Orrrrr she's ignoring me because I killed one of her striders accidently. It was just a mis-click and she said she forgave me after replacing it with a new one. 

What could it be? Why was Y/n ignoring me? Was I not being a good enough friend? 

All of these negative thoughts were getting to me...

What it she got in trouble? What if she got hurt and can't type back?... which is unlikely because she replies to Tommy and not me...

Maybe she was dared by Tommy to ignore me for a few days. But Tommy says that he didn't dare her at all. Where was she? Why was I getting ignored?

Tubbo @TubboLive

Does anyone know where @Y/uTwitterAHHHHHHH is? I miss her... D:

                    | Dioter @EditorSama Replying to @TubboLive 

                     Sorry, haven't heard from her all day. But I am editing her videos that she sent me!

                  | TommyInnit @tommyinnit Replying to @TubboLive 


                 | Kae @KSerinuma Replying to @tommyinnit 

                 You have no right to say that, you are a simp for Y/n too you tsundere

                  | TommyInnit @tommyinnit Replying to @KSerinuma 

                 What the fu3k is a tsundere? 

                | Dream @DreamWasTaken Replying to @TubboLive 

                 As her father, I have a right to know with mother @GeorgeNotFound what do you want from our daughter? >:( 

               | Tubbo @TubboLive replying to @DreamWasTaken

               I haven't heard from her all day and I just miss her... :( 

             | George @GeorgeNotFound Replying to @TubboLive

             If it makes you feel better, I haven't talked to Dream all day.

             | Dream @DreamWasTaken Replying to @GeorgeNotFound

             Cuz you won't pick up the phone! >:( PICK IT UP!!!

             | George @GeorgeNotFound Replying to @DreamWasTaken

             Did I hear something? No? Okay. 

Twitter was not helping find out where Y/n was and I was getting even more worried. What could I have possibly have done to make her ignore me? I couldn't think of anything drastic enough unless she's finally had enough of me and just blocked me completely. But I'm sure she didn't do that... right? 



Y/n's phone is dead, the charger is missing, her computer is restarting to update, and the power to electricity kept turning off and on. Basically, Y/n has no access to any of her devices. She was able to reply to Tommy quickly on discord on her laptop, and read Tubbo's texts, but before she could respond the wifi stopped and the lights turned off. 

"WHHYYYYYYYY?????? I PAYED MY ELECTRICITY BILLS!!!!" apparently her neighbor was having the same problem too.

But why did the electricity keep stopping? It kept her computer from updating and it was taking hours now. And Y/n still couldn't find her charger! Giving up on the quest to find her charger, she went out to buy a new one. 

Back to Tubbo... and a time skip

It's been all day and Y/n still hasn't responded to me. Wilbur said that she was probably busy and that I was overthinking things, but I couldn't help but feel that Y/n was ignoring me. Suddenly, I got a message from Y/n. But I'm gonna ignore it, that's what she gets for ignoring me! 

Y/n: Tubbo!!!!!!

Y/n: My wifi finally came back and I had to buy a new charger

Y/n: I couldn't find mine anywhere

Y/n: apparently in my area a tree had fallen down on the electricity wire thingies and my whole area had little to no electricity 

Y/n: Your probably asleep, so goodnight bestie! <3

And when Tubbo woke up the next day and saw the texts, he felt bad for assuming that Y/n ignored him and relieved that she wasn't mad at him. They had a call over this matter and the both of them laughed at the predicaments they faced on that day.


Date Made: 2/16/2021

Date Published: 3/12/2021


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