{Journey to L.A.}

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Nightmare's POV
It was almost 6 in the morning. Everyone was still sound asleep. I was, however, still awake. I woke up somewhere at four in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep. All my thoughts wandered toward the same topic. We were going to LA, home to the prestigious Comyet Studio. 

The Singing Stars, the most famous band in the world, were doing a live concert in a few weeks, and we were going to be there to see it. The Stars, which is what I usually called them, consisted of 2 boys and 3 girls. We didn't know who played what, but we theorized that the boys were composed of a bass guitarist and a drummer.

I sighed as I stared down at the lightly orange and purple-tinted clouds below me as the sun started to rise. We were on our private jet, arriving in LA in about an hour. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I ruffled my messy, dark blue hair in frustration. I wanted to sleep, and it feels like I'd been awake for days. I squinted as the sun shone brightly in my eyes as it started to slowly rise above the dimly lit clouds. 

I forgot how much I hated the sun.

"Fuck, it's too bright," I mumbled to myself. Although I wanted to stare at the clouds a bit longer, I looked away and took out my phone instead. Sometimes, listening to music helps me sleep better. I often had trouble sleeping, so Error suggested that I listen to music. We've been childhood friends since we were 6, and he noticed how relaxed I am when listening to music. That bitch knows me too well.

I put on my headphones and clicked play, sinking deep into the music that was blasting through my ears. Error was right, though. I always felt at peace when listening to music, which is why I started writing music in the first place. I often thought about how others reacted when listening to music—whether they enjoyed it, it relaxed them, or they were just bored. As I sank deeper and deeper into the music, I could feel my eyelids starting to drop.

I woke up only about 45 minutes later, only to find my headphones unplugged from my phone, which explains why I heard the loud and disruptive shouting coming from Dust and Killer instead of the comforting music from my playlist. 

They were fighting about something I honestly did not care about, probably something stupid again. Geno and Horror were trying to break them up, and they continued arguing for the next few minutes until I had enough.

"BOTH OF YOU!" I yelled, "Will you please shut, your, mouth!" Everyone looked at me, which shows that they didn't notice that I woke up.

Silence filled the plane.

"I told you guys he'd wake up!" Error whispered, breaking the loud silence that only lasted for a few moments.

"S-sorry boss," Dust and Killer apologized in unison. Geno, who was our manager and the oldest out of all of us, glared at me for shouting so loudly but went back to her seat. I took a deep breath as I slumped back into my chair, trying to calm my nerves. Reconnecting my headphones back into my phone, I hit play once again. 

I looked out the window again to see the white clouds hovering over California. The sun wasn't shining directly into my eyes anymore, which was good for me. I listened to music for the rest of the flight, knowing fully well that we were only minutes away from finally landing in LA.

Cross's POV
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

It was 7 P.M. in the morning. My alarm clock screamed in my ears, almost making me deaf. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at the clock, hopefully breaking it. I groaned as I rubbed my eyes and got up to get ready. I've always hated getting up so early in the morning. In fact, I could sleep for years without a care in the world. All of a sudden, my little sister, Ink, bursts into my room and throws a pillow at me, knocking me backward and off my bed.

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