{Unexpected Meeting}

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Horror's POV
Nightmare was glaring at Killer, and everyone else was staring at Killer for his answer. Killer, however, was a stuttering mess.

"B-Boss! I-I didn't even know t-that it m-might've been your little sister, I swear! N-nothing happened b-between us, promise! I-I was just a b-bit shocked that she g-gave me her number!"

Nightmare did nothing but silently glare at Killer, his eyes filled with fury. Dust and Error were trying their best to stifle their laughter—hands over their stomachs and mouths—at the mess that was Killer. Geno was next to me, watching everything unfold, crossing her arms and sighing in disappointment at Dust and Error. Half-eaten sandwiches were on the table, now cold with crumbs everywhere.

Nightmare finally broke his silence, grabbing a nearby pillow and stuffing it in Killer's face. Killer fell backward, and Nightmare proceeded to climb on top of Killer and choke him with the said pillow. Dust and Error only laughed even harder than they already were, wheezing and crying on the floor, while Geno got up from her seat and tried to break them up.

'Noisy,' I thought. I got up from the couch and walked to where Geno was, who was trying to stop Nightmare from suffocating Killer with a pillow.

"Hey, Geno." She turned to look at me, her hands still struggling to keep Nightmare from killing Killer. "Can I go out for a second? It's getting a little bit loud in here."

"Yeah, sure! Just. Be back. Before. 5! Damn it!" Geno cursed under her breath as she accidentally let Nightmare go, allowing him to launch a full attack on Killer.

"Ah, no!!! Boss, I'm sorry, I really am!!! Have merc-" Killer was interrupted by Nightmare stuffing yet another pillow in his face. I saw Geno trying to pull Nightmare away from Killer, but I didn't get to see what happened after as I turned around and left our hotel room, not even bothering to wear a mask or hoodie.

I didn't understand why, but my fans respected my wishes when I once said I was uncomfortable with being chased after in public at an interview. After I announced it, they only greeted me and asked for a quick photo before leaving and going about their business. Because of that, I never really had to disguise myself. Today was no exception. I was stopped by a few people who only asked for a photo and nothing more.

I didn't know where I was going since I was new to town, but I remembered where our hotel was, so I didn't need to worry about getting lost. I checked the time on my phone, which had been changed to Pacific Standard Time, or PST, and saw it was only 1:51 P.M. Unlike the others, I adjusted to the time zones well for some reason after plane rides, and the jet lag never really bothered me since I just slept it off.

'Three hours to spare.' I thought to myself. I saw a pizza place up the street and started heading there for a quick snack. Before I could put my phone away in my pocket, however, I accidentally bumped into someone, making them drop their pizza slice on the ground.

"Aw, man! My pizza!"

"Ah, sorry about that," I apologized. They turned to look at me before asking,

"Hey... aren't you that guy from Moonlit Boys? Horror, right?"

"Yeah, that's me. Sorry about your pizza; I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Eh, it's alright. Can always buy another anyway. Name's Blue, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Blue."

"I'm surprised that- oh, give me one sec." Blue bent down to pick up the pizza slice on the ground—small stones covered one side of the pizza slice—before throwing it out in the nearby trash can. Blue walked back to where I was, dusting his hands off.

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