{Comfort in Lies}

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Horror's POV
"Man, I am stuffed! You need to introduce me to Blue, Horror," Dust said, satisfied. He leaned back in his chair with his hands on his stomach after finishing almost seven and a half plates of food. Everyone else was finishing the last bits of food that were on their plates; some were looking at Dust, expecting him to explain why. "Oh, stop looking at me like that! There are several reasons why I want to meet Blue, okay? One, he sounds like a great guy from Horror's perspective, which you all know is rare because Horror rarely regards anyone as a 'great' person. And two, his food slash restaurant taste is immaculate, and he seems like a person with actual taste! Unlike you tasteless people, besides Geno, of course."

"Actual taste?" Error scoffed. "Dust, you once put broccoli and mustard on a pizza slice, saying you saw it on the internet somewhere, and said it was delicious afterward. I don't think you get to judge who has good taste or not," he taunted, a small smile creeping up to his face.

"Oh, shut up, Error! I'm pretty sure your taste only consists of chocolate! You, you chocolate-obsessed bastard!" Dust whispered, trying to be careful not to be heard by everyone in the restaurant.

"Ugh, will both of you shut up?! I've had enough of your bickering," Geno snapped as she glared at Dust and Error.

"Can I pay now?" I asked, slowly taking out my wallet as I looked around the table.

"No," everyone replied unanimously as they turned to look at me.

"You are not paying, Horror. You paid last time, and the time before that, and before that, and before that! You're not paying this time, no matter what you say," Geno insisted as she took out her own wallet.


"No buts! You are not paying, and that is final." Geno then called their waiter over to get the bill. The waiter nodded and left, walking back to us moments later with a small black tray and a piece of paper.

"Fine..." I reluctantly placed my wallet in my pocket again as Geno took out her own money to pay. While she was doing that, Error and Dust could be seen whisper-fighting again and muttering insults at each other. Their mouths were quickly shut by another look from Geno.

Nightmare and Killer were just chatting during all the chaos when they saw that everyone had finished.

"Are we gonna go now?" Nightmare asked, looking around. "It's already quarter to eight. I didn't think we'd stay here for two and a half hours."

"We only stayed for so long because Dust decided to order the entire fucking menu!" Error commented, shooting a glare at Dust, who gladly returned it.

Geno rolled her eyes as the waiter came by again to take the money. "Shut up, both of you."

"Should we go now?" Nightmare asked as he took out his phone and held it up for everyone to see. On the small screen was the weather forecast for the next few hours. "It's pouring, and it's only going to get worse if we wait any longer."

Killer was the first to stand up and pack his things. "Yeah, we should definitely go now. Aren't we supposed to go to the Stars' rehearsal tomorrow or something?"

Geno stood up too, followed by everyone else. "It's the day after tomorrow," she corrected, "but yeah, we should go." They all followed Geno as they headed toward the exit and put their masks and hoods back on. They were met with a gust of wind the moment they opened the door. The sky was a dull grey, but you couldn't really tell because of the rain and mist that clouded everything in sight.

"Oh, shit! The weather app lied! It's already the worst it can be, fuck!" Nightmare yelled, his voice barely audible in the howling of the wind. He held his arm in front of his eyes in order to block the rain, which was like daggers being controlled by the wind. The others held their arms up in a similar way. "How the hell can this get any worse, you damned weather app?!"

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