{Fateful Encounter}

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Killer's POV
I saw Boss and Error leave the hotel, probably out to explore again like they always do since the last time they set foot here, they didn't get the chance to explore. 5 minutes later, I finished unpacking all my things. Since I had nothing to do, I decided to go for a walk. I grabbed a black hoodie, which probably made me look suspicious, and a mask, too.

I headed out of the hotel to a huge nearby park. I walked around admiring the scenery, especially the fountain that was nearby. Most people would say that it looked like every other fountain in the world, and that's kind of true, but I still found any kind of fountain beautiful. I saw a few people walking their dogs or feeding the ducks in the lake. As I stared and admired the scenery while walking, I unknowingly crashed into someone who was running.

"Ah, crap!" I yelped as I fell back, and they did the same. Looking up, I realized it was a girl with blonde hair who was a little shorter than me. I immediately got up and brushed myself off before giving a hand to the girl that I bumped into.

"Sorry! I was in a hurry, and I didn't see you there!" The girl apologized, taking my hand.

"Oh, it's alright! I should've looked where I was going. I was just looking around, and I didn't even see you running, so it's partly my fault, too."

Letting go of my hand, she introduced herself. "Haha, I guess so. Oh, by the way, the name's Dream!"

"Dream, huh? Like, the opposite of Nightmare?"

"Well, I guess so..." She looked like she was uncomfortable with the topic for some reason, so I decided to introduce myself, too.

"Well, anyway, you can call me Kills, for short." I didn't want to tell her my real name in case she realized my identity.

"Short for what?"

I panicked, trying to think of an excuse. "W-well, my original name is kind of embarrassing for me, so I let others use my nickname, Kills!"

"Oh, I didn't realize! Sorry if I made you uncomfortable," she apologized.

"It's alright; you didn't know." I chuckled, brushing it off. Looking away from each other, we didn't talk at all for a few moments, making it a little bit awkward. 'Crap, it's way too awkward.'

In an attempt to break up the silence, I spoke up and asked, "Then, um, you look like you're from around here. If so, do you think you could show me around?"

"Oh! Um, yeah, sure! I have been living here for about as long as I can remember, so it would be strange if I didn't know my way around. Come, follow me!"

Dream, grabbing hold of my hand, turned around and started to run in the direction she came from.

"Wait! Where are we going?!" I yelled as she continued to pull my arm.

"Showing you around! What else!"

"At least slow down, woah!" Instead of slowing down as I asked, she ran even faster and sprinted towards the exit of the park. As we ran, I heard a couple of people whispering to each other.

'What a cute couple!'

'I know, right? I wish I had a girlfriend like that. Young love, am I right?'

Blushing, I lowered my head slightly. 'Thank Asgore, I still have my mask on,' I thought.

We suddenly came to a stop at the exit of the park, and I could soon see why. I sighed at the sight of two people getting chased by a mob of fans.

'Those two idiots, I swear. At this point, they could be wearing wigs with makeup and a dress and still get recognized! Whatever, not my problem to deal with right now. I'm currently on a date—I mean, a tour. Yeah, a tour.'

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