{Brothers But Not}

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Blue's POV
It was around 5:20 P.M. when I got back home. As I opened the front door and stepped inside, I noticed the extra shoes I saw before I left that appeared every other day next to mine and Papyrus'. The house was silent as I slipped out of my shoes and headed toward the kitchen. There, I brewed two cups of chamomile tea, one with honey and one without.

I quietly headed up the stairs with the two cups of tea and headed to my bedroom first, placing the tea without honey on my bedside table. Thank Asgore none of the stairs or floor are ever creaky.

After placing the freshly brewed chamomile tea without honey on the table, I headed out of my room and towards Papyrus's room. I opened the door to his room as quietly as possible, tiptoeing across the room and towards my brother's bedside table. Placing the tea with a slight clink against the wood of the table, I headed back to the bedroom door.

When I was about to leave the room completely, I heard a faint "thank you" coming from one of the two people in bed. I paused for a moment, before going back to my room and plopping down on the bed.

"God, today was exhausting. And I was only awake for what, three, four hours?" I sighed as I checked my phone.

'Oh, a message from Horror. I wonder what it could be." As I clicked on the notification from Horror, a picture of a table with huge plates of meat and side dishes appeared, with several hands around the table holding utensils ready to eat.

We're eating at one of the places you showed me. Thanks.

I quickly replied:

no problem. going to take a nap now so if i dont reply for a while you know why

I turned my phone off and plugged in a charger as I sat up to drink the chamomile tea from before, practically chugging it despite how hot it still was. I placed the tea down and laid back down on my bed.

'I'll just sleep everything off,' I thought. 'Hopefully, tomorrow will be a bit less tiring to deal with.'


*Pitter* *Patter* *Pitter*

The repetitive pattering of the rain woke me up from my so-called nap. I saw 07:09 on my phone screen and assumed it was just a rainy morning. I tried going back to sleep, twisting and turning into my most comfortable positions, but to no avail. I decided it was better to make some more chamomile tea rather than lie down here forever.

Slowly but surely, I stood up and groggily walked down the stairs to see Papyrus drinking out of the same cup I gave him for chamomile tea.

"Mornin'," I murmured.

"It's seven P.M., Blue," Papyrus replied.

"Oh... right."

I walked towards the living room and sat in silence. Papyrus's boyfriend made me some tea, so I thanked him as he sat next to Papyrus, whispering something in his ear. I wasn't all that curious, though. I was tired today. Too tired to care, and too tired to be as "observant" as I usually am, in Lust's words.

"Jeez, why do you look like a mess after every nap?" Papyrus asked.

"Dunno," I replied, sipping the tea. The room stayed silent as the TV played some random sports channel. The background rain added a calming ambiance that made me unnerved. It's been years, but silence was still uncomfortable for me. The TV noise helped, though. Time passed slowly as I managed to finish the rest of the tea. My back leaning against the couch, I could feel my eyes drooping before someone spoke up.

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