{Answers With A Side of Tears}

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Geno's POV
I was utterly shocked at the little piece of paper Killer was holding. My mouth was hanging wide open, and so was everyone else's, except Horror.

"That's cap! Ain't no way someone gave you their number. You probably wrote it yourself or something!" Dust said, being the first to break the silence in the room.

"Does this look like my handwriting?" Killer replied. "No! Plus, there's also no way I could just make one up on the spot!"

I closed my mouth and collected my thoughts.

"Killer." Everyone turned to look at me. "Do you at least know this person's name? And do they know your real identity?"

"Well, yes to both questions, actually, hehe..." Killer replied, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Killer's identity got exposed?! That hasn't happened in, like, at least 3 years!" Error shouted.

"You know, I've always wondered how Kills was able to avoid getting exposed these last few years," Nightmare thought aloud. His thoughts went ignored, though, and he didn't mind.

"Anyways, what about their name?" Killer looked at me for a moment and hesitated before opening his mouth. However, he was interrupted by Dust.

"Yeah, Kills. I'm sure if this person is real, you would know their name, right?" Dust mocked.

"Shut it." Dust shut his mouth at my words, then looked back to Killer for his reply.

"Well, she said her name was Dream, like the opposite of Nightmare! I don't know her last name; that's all she told me," Killer replied, looking down at the piece of paper in his hand.

Nightmare and Error fell silent. Nightmare's eyes widened at the name, and he sat up straighter than before. "Did you just say, Dream?" Nightmare asked, his voice quiet and soft. The others and I exchanged glances at each other, wondering why he was even questioning it in the first place.

"Uh, yeah, why?" Killer confirmed. Nightmare's breath became shaky as he stared at Killer, not able to form words. Error looked at Nightmare with concern, placing a hand on Nightmare's back in an attempt to comfort him. No one said a word until Nightmare replied.

"Tell me," he started slowly, "what, what did she look like?" He asked, trying to control his breathing a little more.

"Nightmare, what's wrong?" I asked softly, not wanting to press him if it was personal. "Is she someone you know?" Nightmare didn't respond, instead closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. I continued to speak. "Who is she to you?"

Nightmare finally looked up at me with an uncertain and dejected look, as if he was going to cry. Everyone looked at him with shock, as no one, besides Error, had ever seen him cry.

"S-She, um, has the same name as my twin sister," Nightmare replied, his voice a little shaky. Error was still consoling him and rubbing circles on Nightmare's back. "I haven't seen her for years since she left home, so I thought I'd never see her again."

No one said anything, waiting for a response from, well, anyone, really.

"Holy shit... I had my suspicions ever since I met her, but to think that she might actually be..." Killer mumbled.

Horror heard Killer mumbling and turned to him. He was quiet but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Hey Kills, what did she look like? What were your suspicions?"

Everyone turned to look at Horror, who rarely ever spoke. Almost all the times he spoke were during times when the silence was so loud that no one could bear it because no one else dared to speak up. He mostly had his mouth shut rather than open, and sometimes he only spoke just to lighten up the mood.

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