{Wavering Sympathy}

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Lust's POV
"I'm so sorry, Lust!" Dream cried, holding her head in her hands as she apologized frantically. She had her elbows perched on the round wooden table and her feet on the footrest of the spinning stool. "I should've checked the weather before asking you to hang out!"

The rain knocked against the glass windows of the small boba shop, with the wind trying to force itself through the doors. A few other customers were also trapped, and murmurs of complaint filled the room.

"It's okay, Dream. Don't worry about it! We can just wait it out," I reassured her, reaching over and giving her a pat on the head. She said nothing of it, instead relaxing at my touch. "This was a good thing, if I'm being honest, because we might not even have a chance to relax once rehearsals resume next Monday. Two hours spent here is nothing compared to the time we're going to spend rehearsing."

She lowered her hands slightly, her golden pupils peeking through the cracks between her fingers. "That's true... We're going to be busy rehearsing for the next three weeks."

I chuckled. "Busy is an understatement."

Dream lowered her hands fully and let them rest on her lap. "I agree," she smiled. "I have to warm up my voice if I'm gonna last until the actual thing, haha!"

We continued chatting as thunder boomed in the background, the lightning played in the clouds but was too afraid to strike. The rain continued rapping on the windows as gloomy clouds darkened the streets. The room was filled to the brim with complaints and disappointment when everyone realized that the rain wasn't letting up soon.

However, a slight jingle that came from the store bell silenced everyone. The pouring rain became quieter, and no sound was made other than the footsteps of the corpse-like person walking in. He was soaking wet, and his deep blue eyes were dull. Dripping wet, he slowly walked to our table, but I held my breath as my hands trembled.

"Lust," he whispered, his eyes refusing to meet mine.

"Yeah, Blue?" I responded softly, trying not to stutter. Dream looked even more concerned than I did, but she didn't say anything about it and kept an eye on him. She held my shaking hand to comfort it, but she was shaking too.

"Can you text Ink and ask her to pick me up? I don't have my phone on me." He wasn't asking if I could. He was begging, pleading for me to do it. And I did just that.

As Dream stood up to ask for towels from the employees to at least dry Blue, I hurriedly took out my phone and started texting. Other customers started murmuring about the whole situation, but it wasn't worth paying attention to them right now.

Lusty: Ink.
Lusty: Ask Reaper if he can come to the boba shop real quick.
Lusty: Blue needs a ride.
Lusty: Do it now, please.

There wasn't an immediate response, and I knew I had no choice but to wait. Meanwhile, Dream handed some paper towels to Blue and gestured for him to try and dry himself off. She took off his wet jacket for him and hung it over her stool, helping him dry himself in the process.

Ink's POV
A ding came from my phone, and I immediately clicked on the notification.

Inky: wth what happenrd??
Inky: why is he at boba
Inky: cant his borther pick him up or smth?

Lusty: It might have to do with his brother in the first place.
Lusty: It's better not to ask, seeing his current mood.
Lusty: Just go ask him, please.

Inky: he just got back from work ill ask

Lust's POV
I let out a sigh of slight relief, but I knew it wasn't over yet. Dream had Blue sit down on another stool as she ordered some kind of hot drink to warm him up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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