{Grand Tour With a Twist}

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Blue's POV
The tour started with me showing Horror the best places to get food. Every tour has to start with food. Otherwise, what kind of tour would it be? I showed him the best restaurants, the underrated ones, the food stalls, and everything else.

"Wow, you must really like the food here if you know where all of them are located," Horror said in amazement.

"Haha, of course, I do! I grew up here, after all. What kind of 'aMeRiCaN' would I be if I didn't like food?" I replied jokingly, to which Horror laughed in return.

"I just noticed how better your jokes are compared to the idiotic ones my bandmates make. They've made so many weird jokes that don't even make sense, to the point where I don't even remember any they've made!" Horror recalled.

"Hell yeah! My jokes are the best in town. Not even Ink can compare."

"Oh, by the way, you said Ink is just a friend, but you keep mentioning her. Not trying to make it weird or anything, but what kind of relationship do you have with her?"

"Oh, her? Well, we did grow up together, so naturally, we became close friends, regretfully."

"Regretfully? Did she do something bad?"

"Nah, not really. We both act like we hate each other and always talk crap about each other behind each other's backs, but to be honest, we don't really care about it since we've been doing it since we were little."

"Ah, I see. So kind of a love-hate friendship?"

"Yeah. Like the one I have with my brother."

"You have a brother?"

"Yup. An older one."

"I didn't know you had a brother. I mean, of course, I don't since I literally just met you today, but you know what I mean. Anyways, what kind of love-hate relationship have you got with your brother?" I slowly smiled before fake tears started coming out of my eyes.

"Oh, he... he always threatens to hit me! He drags me out of my bed and kicks me out of the house every morning," I mockingly replied. I acted as if I were the main character in a soap opera and cried my heart out. "He never cares about me and doesn't give a shit about what I do! How sad..."

Horror chuckled. "I honestly can't tell if this is a joke or not, but if it is, it's incredibly hilarious."

The fake tears stopped as I replied, "Well, seeing as how he literally did kick me out the house today, it is a joke, while at the same time, it's not."

"Oh, like, kick you out, kick you out?"

"Not kick me out, kick me out; he just kicked me out 'cause his boyfriend was coming over."

I continued talking and making jokes with Horror until I saw a familiar purple and blonde head across the street. I panicked, but I acted as if nothing was wrong and took out my phone.

"Sorry, Horror, give me a sec. I forgot to do something," I said, turning away from him.

"Hm? Oh, sure. Take your time."

I hurriedly clicked on Lust's name on my phone, quickly typing a message.

Blue: lust pls get to another street as fast as you can im not even joking im giving horror a tour rn bc i met him at the pizza place and i can literally see you right across the fucking street

Lust: Horror? Like that Horror?

Blue: yes

Lust: You're joking.

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