Chapter 1

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“Know your place you piece of shit!!”

A girl was slammed to the lockers. The boys then pushed her to the floor. The girl's silence only angered them more.  One of them crouched down and slapped her on the face. He raised his hand again, but the bell rang, indicating that lunch was over.  He then got up and stepped back. The boys the laughed at her.

“Come on guys! Lets go. Better not waste our time with someone who isn't worth it!”they sneered and walked away.

The girl just lied there, her back aching with pain. She just closed her eyes, wanting the pain to go away. She curled up in a ball, ignoring all the students who just stared at her in pity. Some just laughed at her.

Slowly, the hallways became empty and Jenny found the strength to get up. She held the hand of the locker and pulled herself up, her body in pain. She slowly walked towards the girl's restroom and looked at the mirror. Her brown hair was a mess. There was hair sticking out everywhere. Her green eyes were red and teary. Her cheek had a purple bruise. She looked ready to cry.

She stared at herself.

*Don't waste your tears for them Jenny.*  she assured.

Then she slowly walked to attend her last three classes before summer vacation.


The bell rang and all the students rushed out, happy that school was over. Finally, they can enjoy.

Jenny walked to her locker and took all of her things and put them into her bag. She then shut the locker and walked out of the school. She looked around, hoping to get our safely without bumping anyone of her bullies.

Everyone bullied her. She didn't have a friend. No one once approached her, no one cared enough.

She almost made it to the gates when someone pulled her bag.

“Running away princess?”

*Oh shit!*

“Let me go.” she whispered.

“Oh! So the princess actually speaks!” the boys laugh.

A fire lit inside her.

“I said let me go!!” she shouted.

They group suddenly flinched and the boy's hand lost it's grip on her bag. Immediately she broke into a sprint and ran out of the school gates.

“Get her!!” she heard and immediately there were footsteps behind her. She ran faster.

*Please don't let them get to me! Please!*

She prayed, to no one in particular.

But no.

A hand caught her wrist and pulled her back.

“No. No! Let me go!! Please!! What did I ever do!!” she screams as the guys drag her to an alley.

One of them pins her to the wall.

“HELP!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!” she screams, hoping for anyone to hear her cries and save her.

The guy clamps her mouth shut.

“Shut up!!” he snarls.

“What did I ever do to you!? Why me!?” she cries.

“Remember something you shit! You are worthless and good for nothing. No one wants to be your friend. No one will! Remember that. You're just trash!”

*No Jenny! Don't believe him!*

But her heart still broke at his words. Did everyone think the same? Was she really worthless? Tears couldn't stop flowing from her eyes. She just sobbed.

“Come on guys. Let's go. Our work here is done.” the group walks away, leaving her to cry.

Jenny gets up and starts running home. She opens the front door and enters in, slamming it shut. She runs to the kitchen and grabs a knife and runs to her room. She enters her bathroom door and locks it.

She places the knife on her wrist. She closes her eyes.

*No one will care anyway. I'm worthless after all! No one cares. No one.*

She cried as she pressed the knife to her wrist. Blood seeped out of her wrist.


She opened her eyes. A spark lit inside of her. She threw the knife away and immediately bandaged her wrist.

*My life is precious….Why must I take it away just because of bullies? I still have people who care for me. My parents…….*

She sat on the floor. The spark that lit was diminished. Again.

“Will they miss me? Do they care?” she whispered to no one in particular.

“Jeffery……did you really have to go…….why did you leave me behind? It's really bad here without you……you were my only support.….who else do I have?” she cried, pulling her knees closer to her.

“Please come back.”


Hey everyone!

This is my new book. And I'm so excited to write this book. I hope you like it and I hope it will help you!
See you in the next chapter!

Love you,

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