Part 6

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Once they'd felt spurred to release each other from their embrace, Matt had taken Lance into the bathroom and talked him into letting the rebel examine him. After that, they'd curled up in bed together. Instead of feeling embarrassed or out of place, Lance let himself sink into that safe warmth that always seemed to trick him into thinking he was safe. 

That morning, he'd woken to a still warm bed. He wasn't cuddled up to anyone anymore but he could feel the distinct weight beside him on top of the covers that indicated Matt was still there. The thought stirred him with smile knowing that Matt had stayed behind for him. He'd missed people caring.

Something he'd missed possibly just as much was the cosy aroma of something tasty. It reminded him of the safe, nostalgic scent of hot chocolate and coffee but there was a distinct fruitiness overlaying it that always brought up memories of the many new worlds he'd visited that he could only collectively describe as exotic. 

He pushed himself up onto his elbows, sniffing a little unconsciously and rubbing one of his eyes.

"You awake, sleepy head?" Matt sipped something, slurping loudly. 

Lance yawned, "Mhm," His eyes slipped shut, fluttering open and closed so often that he took to rubbing them again, "Morning, Matt." Matt helped him up into sitting against the headboard and slid a cup into his hands, "Thanks." A matching one resided in Matt's hands. They looked undeniably terracotta. Had Matt specifically looked for cups that were similar to the ones you'd find on Earth or was it just a coincidence?

Sipping the drink, Lance wasn't surprised to note the taste. It was both a mixture of sugary bitterness and fruity sweetness that pooled warmly in his gut. The feeling tempted him to burrow back under the covers and enjoy the warmth that was so difficult to find in space. Then again, the more sips he took, the more awake he felt. Maybe it had caffeine in it after all.

Matt finished his drink before him, announcing that by scooting himself off the bed and making his way over to the chest of drawers where he started getting out clothes. Lance sipped on his drink, quietly watching Matt get them both out a set of clothes. It was either that or Matt was about to go on a longer mission without him. His eyes drifted away from him, catching on the bag still laying on top of the drawers. He'd forgotten to unpack it earlier. He'd have to do that later, after Matt leaves for his work.

Lifting the covers, Lance clambered out of bed to place his cup on the drawer besides Matt's. Matt handed him a neatly folded pile of clothes, smiling, "Come on, get dressed," Lance raised an eyebrow, accepting the pile, "You're coming with me today."

Lance looked over the clothes. It was more than he usually wore. One soft, loose layer to go underneath, followed by a harder mish-mash of padded armour. The clothes were made to fit over his body completely although it was no space suit so it was likely only made that way to protect against the cold rather than be space ready.

"Why? What are you doing?" 

Matt pulled his sleep shirt over his head, dunking it aside as he put on his own clothes, "I was planning on bringing you with me anyway since I might be away a couple days," Lance followed his lead and started getting changed, "I could have done it as a solo mission but Sayr wanted me to take someone with me. I thought you could do with a change of scenery." He shrugged. 

Lance stooped to fasten his Marmora boots and slot his blade in the mini-compartment along his shin. Matt waited for him, leaning against the drawer in what Lance was more used to calling his rebel-attire. Once he was done, he stood and was quickly ushered by Matt out of the door to begin their walk to the hangars. 

Matt had a messenger bag strewn over his shoulder like a sash, "I'm guessing you know the deal with space pirates?"

"That they're massive dicks." Lance deadpanned.

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