Part 12

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The balcony had closed itself off when they'd prepared to launch from Oriande, allowing the bedroom to be safe while in space. Matt had his shoeless legs stretched out across the bed, his back against the headboard. Lance was next to him, leaning a little into his side. 

After the little confrontation in the Hangar, Lotor was escorted to the Brig and locked up there. They'd contacted Sayr and informed him about the situation but he seemed busy with the main fleet for the moment. One of his advisors had answered the call instead, promising that they would be in touch in due time. They needed to decide what to do with the ship.

The ownership wasn't decided yet but they knew it would remain within the rebellion. 

Matt sighed next to him, the arm around his shoulder pulling Lance a bit closer, "I was worried about you."

"Lotor was handcuffed." Lance deadpanned, "I don't think he could have done much to me."

Matt's head plopped onto Lance's shoulder, "I doubt the handcuffs would have made much difference. But still," Lance's hand rose up to intertwine with Matt's hand on his shoulder, "I was just worried. It's not like I could go help you in Oriande."

Lance squeezed his hand, "But now we're back together."

Matt gave himself a moment to breathe, "...Yeah, we are."

Lance relaxed further into his side, letting his eyes slip shut for a moment as he listened to the rise and fall of Matt's chest, "That's not the same Lotor." He said after a moment.

They both already knew about the existence of clones and Lance had rushed to show him the melted corpse through the cameras, "He's still a Lotor. I don't trust him."

"I guess you don't have to."

"You really think he could know something useful?"

Lance hummed, "Hopefully. He seemed to know a lot before and he's read tons of books on alchemy apparently." He stretched out one of his legs, playfully wrapping it around one of Matt's, "If not.. I could still try to teach myself."

The communicator on the bedside buzzed in a notable pattern. Matt picked it up, glancing at it before he slid off the bed in one smooth movement. Lance looked up, hastily catching himself as Matt's support left him, "Is it time?"

Matt nodded, looking back at Lance with an odd expression when he was slow to join him, "When was the last time you slept?"

"Um.. I think I was unconscious for a bit before I got in touch with you."

Matt learned forward, cupping his cheek and threading a lock of hair behind Lance's ear, "You can sit this one out if you want. I'm sure I can bring him up to date enough on my own."

Lance took his hand instead, holding it as he stood up, "I'm fine," He brushed his thumb over Matt's knuckles, speaking softer, "Thanks. I can sleep later," He paused, adding playfully, "Even if it is for the weak." 

"You're sure?" 

"I'll sleep later. Promise."

Sayr was waiting for them, idly chatting with a couple other rebels. Lance and Matt both waved quickly, joining the call at the centre of the room with Lance at the centre of the pedestal.

"Sir." Matt nodded. 

Sayr straightened up a little, "Haer Lance, begin your debriefing." Lance was always glad that Sayr never called him a Paladin anymore. He hated how attached everyone was to his Paladin status. 

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