Part 13

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His head drooped against the palm of his hand again from where he had it propped up. His other hand stretched across a sheet of paper, doodling on it mutedly. They had wanted to reduce the amount of technology near the lab so were relying on substitutes that Lance preferred a great deal anyway. 

Matt was still away, hopefully enjoying his break while Lance tried to make some headway in his new position. He glanced at the ship through the open doors to the next room. As far as progress on that went, there were only a few ideas they'd outlined. 

-It was made out of the same material as Voltron, although they didn't know what that was exactly.

-They struggled to melt or tarnish any part of it as the material automatically bended back to it's last shape.

-Although it was a good conductor to just about anything, they value they initially sent through came back greatly diminished. 

On top of that, they'd finally removed the body. It had been a challenge as the corpse itself had seemed to fuse with a layer of the material, making the process much longer than it needed to be. The scientists had been running tests on it though so it hadn't yet been properly put to rest. However, most of their findings weren't particularly reliable as anomalies could be caused by the rift instead.

Lance shook his head, preventing his thoughts from wandering any further. He had a hypothesis to test. 

While the two scientists had been assigned to Lance to specifically help with alchemy, they focused more on the solid science aspects. Lance was the one focusing on alchemy.

His new jacket swished around him as he stood. It had come with the rebels that moved in the other day and was meant to be part of a uniform of sorts for his departments although Lance wasn't strict enough to enforce it. Although he had to admit he liked the coat. 

It felt similar to leather but much softer and was a pristine white in most places aside from the gold and black linings. It hung around his figure cleanly but was still big enough to be comfortable. 

Kova purred, rubbing along his hand as he pulled away from the table. He scratched her, squeezing his eyes shut in an attempt to refocus his thoughts.

Hypothesis. He needed to test his hypothesis.

He'd used quintessence to change the form of something before but could he create something? According to physics, it's impossible to create matter or energy however what if he was simply repurposing it from another source? He could use his own quintessence as its energy and the matter could simply come from air particles. Would that be enough? 

He drifted his hand through the air as he pondered it. In order to develop matter from the air particles he would have to change them at an atomic level which would require massive amounts of energy and would still need more air particles. However, the whole reason quintessence was valued so much by the Galra was due to how much energy it contained per unit volume so it would be logical to assume less energy would be needed if it was quintessence he was using. 

He would also be using his quintessence to cause and increase the rate of chemical reactions but how would he know what was bonding to what and in what amounts? Also, would his quintessence be acting as heat to increase the rate up to a certain point or would it be more like a catalyst?

Sighing, he set up his camera and closed his eyes, "Okay. I'm going to see if it's possible to tailor matter through my quintessence. I know I can transform a pre-existing thing to another form but I want to see if there is a limit to how small the subject can be. If that make sense?"

He closed in a section of the air with his quintessence, sectioning it off so a breeze wouldn't be created yet, and syphoned some of it directly into the area, focusing on the air there. He needed something small scale but visible. Plants would be fairly simple, wouldn't they? He certainly knew them better than fungi and they weren't as complicated as animals. Plus creating an animal for an experiment seemed unethical.

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