Part 22

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Alec dawdled at the back of the group, silently seething with rage.

Stupid paladins, stupid pirates. Dumb fucking luck. 

As he glared a hole through the back of the nearest person's head (Allura was the unfortunate soul), Alec cursed every part of his brain that had managed to convince himself that coming back to the Castle originally was a good idea.

Terrible idea. He should have just gone back to earth when he had the chance. Or some other distant planet where he wouldn't be so easily recognised. 


The pirate herding them along from behind tried to hurry him up with the butt of his gun. Alec dodged it cleanly, forcing out a restrained huff as he turned his glare on the pirate.

He could kill every one of them. The pathetic, scrappy cuffs they had strapped onto his wrists wouldn't do anything to protect them.

But did any of the others think Lance was capable of doing that? No. He would give himself away in an instant.

Not to mention, there was no guarantee he could protect the team if he did such a thing.

Stupid team being too trusting of random locals they came across. 

Yes, they had been tired and getting more than a little stir crazy but that was no reason to simply believe the intentions of the first civilisation to offer them shelter. And to put no one on watch? To leave no one on guard? Pure stupidity.

Yes, Alec could have been the one to be on watch but he had gotten caught up in talking to Hunk and Pidge - one of the first conversations he had been actively sought out for after god knows how long it had been - and gotten carried away. At the time, he hadn't thought it was too daring to think that the more cautious members of his team - namely Keith and Krolia - might organise at least one watch between them. 

Apparently, that was too high of an assumption to make of his team. How dare he forget that a team of teenagers and adults needed him to babysit them. 

Oh, he couldn't remember a time he had been more annoyed with them.

The pirate at the head of the procession came to a halt as they banged on the sturdy metal door to a cell.

"Back away from the door."

Alec didn't hear any response or sign of confirmation on the other side, but the pirate was already stabbing in a code into the keypad beside the door, an electrified baton held in the other hand. 

The moment the doors opened, Alec could happily say he predicted the following moments as a masked rebel attempted to lung out the door, throwing themselves at the pirate, only to be electrocuted squarely in the chest and fall back inside with the grace of a blind bear.

None of the pirates appeared particularly perturbed, simply continuing to herd their newest prisoners inside with little care for the limp body on the floor of the cell.

"Watch it..." Alec flicked his eyes towards the pirate trying to shove him forwards in annoyance. 

"Walk faster."

"Learn some patience."

The pirate slapped Alec around the back of his head, promptly shoving him into Allura's back as their line came to a stop.


Alec huffed out a half-hearted apology, rolling his eyes behind the princess's back, "Sorry, 'Lura. I'll keep an eye out next time I decide to be shoved into you."

Allura pursed her lips but didn't reply, visibly resisting folding her arms indignantly. 

Ahead of them, a set of pirates were walking up the line, snapping photos and names before prodding the prisoner into the cell.

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