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Schlatt's POV

It's the first day of school today.

As I got ready I heard Wilbur playing his guitar. How did this guy already get ready and have the free time to play guitar?

I walked out of my room and made myself some coffee and toast. As I waited for my things to be done Wilbur walked out of his room. He waved at me and smiled. I half smiled back and went to go drink my coffee and eat my toast. Then I went back to my thoughts.

Why does Wilbur have such fluffy hair? How does he look good in everything? How the hell is he even that tall?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Wilbur calling my name. I looked at him and he was standing at the door.

"Schlatt we have to go or we're gonna be late!"

"Oh fuck-"

I got up and grabbed my backpack then headed for the door with Wilbur.

We walked down the dorm hallways chatting then when we reached the main school building we stopped talking so carefree and kept it quiet.

"What's your first class after home room?"

"Mine is maths class"

"It's math not maths, but I have the same class"

Wilbur nodded and started walking to home room. I followed and we started talking again.

When we got there not too many people were there. I saw my friend Ted sitting in the front and a pink haired guy with some crown sitting in the back.

Wilbur sat next to the pink haired guy so I sat next to Wilbur. As more of the class started to pour in I saw a few more of my friends walk in. Travis and Noah sat next to Ted in the front. I now wish I'd chosen a seat next to them but I can't change. 

I sighed as the teacher started talking and I totally zoned out. I didn't really care what she was saying nor did I care what she was teaching.

I don't really understand the point of home room it's just kind of like a class that has no subject and is more of a class to introduce yourself to everyone.

Near the middle of class I felt a piece of paper hit my arm. I looked over and saw a crumpled paper ball lying on the floor. I picked it up and uncrumpled it and saw a note.

'Hi Schlatt! This class is so boring lol I don't understand why we even have it'

I looked at Wilbur and he was smiling at me. I rolled me eyes and smiled slightly. I took out a sticky note and wrote a message back

'Yeah haha wanna go to a coffee shop with me for lunch?'

I threw it at him and we continued to pass notes for the rest of class.


When it was finally lunch Wilbur and I got ready to go to a coffee shop near by.

I smiled and we both started walking. We chatted on our way there and talked like we've been friends for forever.

It was nice actually. It was beginning to turn fall. The leaves were turning into a mix of yellows, reds, oranges and browns. The smell of cinnamon mixed with pumpkin was flowing through the air as cars drove by. Talking could be heard everywhere in the city but it seemed relaxing. The sun shone dimly behind the clouds and the cold started to come out.

We walked for a few more minutes and we reached a nice coffee shop. We ordered and sat down at the tables outside.

"So Mr Wilbur Soot why'd you move to a shit country like this for high school?" I asked as a conversation starter.

"To get away from family and to enjoy a different country for once. It gets a bit boring when you've lived in the same three cities in the same country for 16 years." He said back bluntly.

I nodded and he took a sip of his tea. I stayed quiet and looked around. People were walking by and chatting carefree. Some people from my history class walked by and stared at us and started whispering. I didn't care too much but I looked away and back at Wilbur.

He was staring at the sidewalk like I was before. I looked at his facial features. He had a somewhat of a strong jawline and his pretty brown eyes glowed on the sun. God I could get lost in those eyes. They're so precious in a way. It's like his eyes are like a lush and green forest but mixed with a brown tint from the dead leaves on the floor and dirt. His hair was fluffy and looked like a mess but it still looked cute on him. His cheeks had the slightest bit of pink on them and it matched well with his pale skin.

I didn't realize I was staring for so long till Wilbur looked back at me with a look of question on his face.

"Is something wrong Schlatt-?"

"Oh- uh no sorry I just spaced out"

Wilbur giggled and sighed. He seemed tired but he look as if he didn't care.

We both finished our drinks and headed back to school. It was silent while we walked but it was a good quiet. Everything that was loud before become quieter because the lunch rush was over and everyone was starting to head back to work or to school. The city is rarely quiet but when its
somewhat quiet at night it's nice.

Wilbur and I reached the school and went our separate ways to our classes.

I sighed as I sat down in my ELA class and zoned out again. My mind was still on Wilbur. I couldn't get his stupid face out of my mind. He's really pretty and I wonder why he's still single. I mean he told me his songs from his new album were about his ex from London and how he realized he wasn't the one being toxic towards her but how she was toxic towards him and shit like that. So I figure he's just not ready to date again, but still.


When I finished my last class of the day I was going to head back to my dorm to do homework with Wilbur and hang out. But just as I was about to walk to meet with Wilbur the same guys who walked past me and him at lunch walked up to me.

"Hey Gayschlatt!" One of them said in a taunting way.

I stepped back trying to keep a straight face to look like I didn't care but my anger was taking over me slowly as they started to make fun of me.

Just when one of them was about to make fun of my name again I tackled him. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I MURDER YOUR BITCH ASS I SWEAR IM NOT AFRAID TO KILL YOU"

We started fighting and the two other boys stared not knowing what to do. I was so consumed by anger I forgot I needed to meet with Wilbur. But most importantly I forgot to control my strength.

I heard a loud snap and a scream. I punched the kid in the face again and got up looking at him with a glare. He was in the verge of tears and his arm was twisted. The other two gasped and started yelling at me.

I didn't care much so I walked away from them like nothing happened. As I continued to walk the more I felt the pain and the more I felt like I was gonna pass out.


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