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Hi sorry for the late updates I just had a shit ton of school work to do since spring break is almost here for me and for some reason school is shitty and gave me over 30 tests to do in a week so that happened.

Tw: anxiety attack? Idk

Wilbur's POV

It was about 4:30AM and I couldn't sleep. I lied in my bed staring at my ceiling. My mind was scattered and I didn't know what to do.

This was one of the worst times for this to happen. I usually don't wonder off and over think too much but for some reason I am tonight.

My thoughts screamed and shouted at me. They told me things that I know aren't true but I believe.

Nothing bad happened today but I feel like something did. I felt like I did something wrong. What did I do wrong? Did I upset Schlatt? Did I upset Techno? What did I do? I did something I know for sure.

My vision began to haze up as more thoughts flooded into my mind.

Schlatt's POV

I woke up to hear muffled crying coming from Wilbur's room. I sat up and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Yep that was Wilbur and he was crying.

I got up and walked to his room. I slowly opened his door and saw him curled up on his bed crying. I walked over to him "Wil?.."

He looked at me then immediately turned away. "I know you're mad a me go away no need to tell me again" he said with a shaky voice.

I looked at him confused "Wilbur what do you mean?"

"I know you're mad at me. Go away."

He buried his head in his pillow and kept crying while breathing heavily and fast. "Wilbur I'm not mad. Where'd you get that idea from?" I said.

Wilbur sat up and wiped the tears from his eyes. "You said you were mad at me. I did something w-wrong but-" he started to breath faster.

I hugged him and tired to comfort him. "Wilbur you did nothing wrong I'm not mad I never said I was."

Wilbur didn't respond and kept crying. "Wilbur listen to my voice. It's going to be okay. I'm not mad and you did nothing wrong at all I'm still here and I'm still your friend. Listen to my breathing too and try to match yours to it. It's alright Wil I'm here" I said trying my best to be comforting.

Wilbur hugged me hesitantly and tried to match his breathing with mine.

I held onto him for a bit till he calmed down and stopped crying. "S-sorry about that Schlatt...My thoughts just wondered to a bad place today..I didn't mean to wake you up" Wilbur said as he let go of me.

"It's alright I'm glad I woke up to help you though no need to apologize for crying dumbass" I said with a small smile one my face. Wilbur's mouth curved into a small smile too.

"Well I should head back to sleep and you should too you need it more than me since you're going to school" I said. Wilbur nodded and thanked me then I left.

Well that was a semi-weird experience. I wonder why he thought I was mad at him. I brushed it off as just something anxiety probably created and lied back down in my bed.

I stared at the ceiling as I slowly drifted back into a deep sleep.

Wilbur's POV

I woke up early and sat up looking around my room. Was that all a dream?

I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked like a mess and my eyes were a bit red. Nope that wasn't a dream.

I sighed and washed up my face and fixed my hair. I walked to the kitchen and got my breakfast ready. I didn't bother to wake up Schlatt or try wake him up because I already felt bad enough for crying my eyes out in front of him last night.

He was nice enough to calm me down. If he didn't I probably would've been crying for the next day. I mean the reason I did have an anxiety attack is because I thought he hated me.

The voices in my head kept me thinking that I didn't realize the time. It was almost time for me to go. I sat up and grabbed my pack. Then I said bye to Schlatt even though he was sleeping and left.


School was boring as usual. Nothing too much happened besides the random pop quiz we had in our ELA class.

When I got back Schlatt was I'm assuming still sleeping. It was quiet and the only sounds I heard were the bird calls from outside my left open window.

I sighed and put my stuff down then headed to the bathroom to take a shower. It wasn't too good of a day for me. It's sucked honestly and with the guilt of keeping Schlatt up late from me crying was a huge weight on my shoulders.

I felt the warm water run down my back and take all the weight off my shoulders. It was relaxing and I realized how long it'd been since I've really relaxed. It was a good feeling to have after a long rough day.


When I got out of the shower and got dressed I saw Schlatt in the kitchen looking for something to eat.

"Hello Schlatt" I said waving a bit. Schlatt stared at me and began laughing. "WILBUR YOUR HAIR LOOKS LIKE A WET MOP OH MY GOD- BAHAHA" he said before bursting into laughter again.

"Oh shut up at least I look better with dry hair than you do on any day" I said. Schlatt calmed down from laughing and spoke "I'm going to take that as a compliment." I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.

He gave me a mischievous smile and put his hand on my head and messed up my hair. It was sticking up everywhere and it looked like I just got stuck by lightning. Schlatt burst into laughter again as I gave him a glare. I fixed my hair and grabbed some crisps that we had lying around.

Schlatt was laughing so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts. "Bloody hell Schlatt shut up!" I said. Schlatt started to calm down again and he took deep breaths.

"Now I know how to piss you off and make myself laugh" he said with a playful smile on his face. I sighed and ate a few crisps.

We had a small conversation about how school was going and about how we both needed to go out for lunch again another time.

Schlatt is a good friend and im glad to have him with me. It honestly feels like we've known each other for forever.


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