Chat I

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Chat POV:

Zoe: Hey guys wanna play something

Ben: Sure

Erica: I should be doing something productive

Chip: Like

Erica: Homework

Jawa: There's no homework today

Mike: Yeah it's the weekend

Erica: Fine only a little bit

Zoe: Guess who?

Ben: k

*One name change later*

fun+games: Hi

Whyareweplayingthis: ...

Chip: yo

Jawa: hey

shorties: whyareweplayingthis is Erica

*Erica left the game*

fun+games: that was quick

supergoodspy: fun+games is Mike, shorties is Zoe, Chip is Jawa, Jawa is Chip.

*one name unchange later*

Zoe: Wow Ben you're soooo good at this! *possibly batting eyelashes*

Ben: um thanks 

Erica: 😡

Chip: Ooh is Erica jealous?

Erica: NOO

Jawa: Then why are you getting worked up when Zoe starts flirting with Ben

Ben: wait wha-

Erica: Why'd you flirt with Ben

Zoe: partly cause I wanted to and partly because I knew it'd spring a reaction from you

Mike: How'd you know

Zoe: because Erica likes-


Mike: Dare say what

Zoe: that Erica likes-


*Private chat was created by Erica, Erica and Zoe were added*

Private chat POV:

Erica: How do you know?   

Zoe: Just the way you look at him

Erica: It's been that obvious?

Zoe: Kinda

Erica: Do you like him too

Zoe: Of course

Erica: why

Zoe: *squealing* cause he's just so cute 

Also Zoe: What about you

Erica: None of your business

Zoe: But I told you

Erica: Why are you even wanting to tell Ben that I like him? You also like him and if he knows that I like him too, then he might choose me

Zoe: I also like another person a bit more than Ben

Erica: Really? Who?

Zoe: *quote-unquote* that's none of your business

Meanwhile in regular Chat:

Ben: what are they talking about

Mike: Maybe they're talking about how Zoe flirted with you

Ben: Wait she flirted with me

Chip: obviously

Ben: why

Mike: because she likes you

Ben: that much? 

*Erica and Zoe rejoined*

Zoe: Hey guys meet me in my room k for some truth or dare

Ben POV: I walked out of my room and up the stairs, headed for Zoe's room. I was still surprised that she flirted with me like that in front of everyone. Soon, I got to her room and knocked. She opened the door, looking happy to see me.

"Hi Ben!" she greeted me. "You can sit anywhere."

"Hi," I replied, sitting down in front of her bed. Zoe sat down beside me, Erica on my other side, Mike across from me, and Chip and Jawa on either side of him.

"So," Zoe said, "We're going to spin a bottle and whoever it lands on has to choose truth or dare." (This is @thezestywalru's way)

"So who'll spin it?" I asked.

"I will," Mike volunteered. He spun the bottle. It landed on Zoe.

"Truth," Zoe said.

"Who do you like in terms of romance?"

"Um, Ben?"

"Is that it?"  

"Maybe," Zoe said. "But you didn't say I had to list all of them." She grabbed the bottle and spun. It landed on Chip.

"Dare," he said. 

"I dare you to record yourself singing Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley (Vid at the top) and broadcast it on the morning announcements." The rest of the dares went like that until the bottle landed on me, spun by Chip. 

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I answered.

"I dare you to sit in Erica's lap and hold her hand until the end of the game," Chip smirked.

I made my way over to Erica, feeling kind of happy. Surprisingly, she didn't judo flip me or anything like that, just grudgingly let me sit down and held my hand. After a few more rounds, Zoe spun the bottle and it landed on Erica.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Erica responded.

"I dare you to go over to who you like and kiss them."

"Never," Erica said.

"You have to," Zoe insisted. Finally, Erica gave up. 

She stood up, making a beeline across the circle to Mike. He tried to cover his excitement, but it showed clearly on his face. Then, at the last second, she turned around, walked towards me, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me right on the lips. 

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