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Ben POV:

I was playing foosball with Mike in the rec center, getting totally wrecked.

"10-0," Mike said," for the third game in a row."

"Have you been playing since you were a baby?" I asked.

"Maybe," Mike laughed. We played another game. It was 10-0 again, just as I predicted. Mike wrote the win down in his notebook. 

"Can we play something else?" I asked. 

"Sure," Mike said. We decided to play some air hockey (Mike pummeled me in that too) until he had to go to the washroom. Right as he walked out, Zoe strode into the room. Zoe was one of our friends at spy school. She was the same age as me and Mike, and she was the fourth person I met at spy school (and the nicest).

"Hey Ben," she said, walking closer to me. "Whatcha doing?"

"I was playing foosball with Mike," I said.

"I bet he totally wrecked you," Zoe laughed.

"How'd you know?"

"I played with Mike a couple of times," she said.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"Oh, I wanted to give you something," she said, walking even closer until I was practically pinned against the wall. 

"Uhh, what are you doing Zoe?" I asked.

"Promise you won't tell anybody?" she asked. I nodded. Suddenly, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine. Believe me, I would have at least tried to push her away, but I was paralyzed with shock from the entire incident. While I was paralyzed, Zoe was still passionately kissing me and I was still pinned against the wall. 

Just then, I heard Mike coming back from his washroom break. Zoe immediately broke off, reminded me not to tell anyone, and walked briskly off. When Mike came back, I was leaning against the wall, still catching my breath.





 Sorry this chapter was really really short I didn't know what else to write. Also, can you guys comment below on what chapter I should write next? Thanks

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