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"Okay, listen up. Everyone puts their phone in the box, everyone sits on the floor in front of me, and everyone keeps their mouth shut. You do that, and no one gets hurt."

The last Today is really just a blur to me, now...

I placed my phone in the box without hesitation, my expression blank as I effortlessly seized the leader's gun and shot him in the leg.

I don't remember much...

With unbelievable precision, I shot the other robbers as well. It was as if I were dancing around every bullet that was shot in my direction. Not a single one hit me, and not a single patron was harmed either.

It was done too quickly for hostages to be taken, and for that I was grateful. None of the robbers had been killed, and I left them incapacitated in the bank's nearest bathroom with the door locked from the outside.

I just remember feeling so numb afterwards...

"Someone call the police. An ambulance probably wouldn't hurt, either." I said to the nearest patron, a young man named Mark.

I placed myself in front of the bathroom to make sure the robbers had no way of escape. Landyn was the first one to say anything to me. He ran in my direction, stopping just in front of me and looking right into my eyes.

"Miss B., are you okay?"

I didn't say anything; I couldn't.

He reached up to my face, brushing away a tear with his thumb. He held his arms out with the most innocent smile on his face.

"It's okay to be scared, Miss B., and it's okay to cry if you have to."

He chuckled a little, and I felt the tears start to pour.

"Weren't you the one that always told me that?"

I collapsed, falling to my knees. Landyn rushed towards me, pulling me into a hug.

When was the last time I had one of those?

I cried in Landyn's arms for hours, it seemed. I had never felt so safe in the arms of a child, and I don't think I could ever recreate that feeling of knowing that the worst was behind me and that everything would be alright.

I later did the math; I had relived that day for a total of three years, one month, and three weeks.

I never wanted to deal with that pain again. So I packed my bags and I moved away. I didn't stay for any kind of interview with the press over what I had done. I found a new home, changed my appearance as best as I could, and I started a new life for myself.

I remember family members calling later on and watching the news to hear people calling me a hero. Pfft, "hero." There was nothing heroic about what I did. Heroes are people that know they will die and never come back, but they jump into the fray anyway. That was never me.

Or, at least that's what I thought at first. I still wouldn't call myself a hero, but when things started going downhill nearby, I knew that I could do something. So I did. I fought for people's lives, and then I went home without claiming any credit for myself.

Then I moved. Then I found something else to fight for. Then I fought for it. The next thing I knew, I was moving towards the fight instead of away from it. I did that for years. I realized my powers when I was twenty-eight. I traveled around being this so-called "hero" for another eight years.

But I don't think you're actually here to hear my origin story, are you? I've kept you here long enough, I guess.

I met Tony Stark when I was thirty-six. He introduced me to the Avengers. He brought me back to a life that I could be proud of and still thrive. It's a long story with plenty of twists and turns, but that's the story you're here for.

So, here we go.......

One Day More || a Tony Stark x Oc Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now