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I twirled the tool between my fingers, my face entirely serious. I took my precious time getting to Loki's cell. I stood next to the door in silence, listening to Coulson's attempts to get Loki back where he belonged.

"You like this?" He asked Loki about his weapon. "We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does."

I stopped spinning the tool, gripping it tightly.

"Do you wanna find out?"

I spun around the door frame, sprinting to where I saw Loki standing behind Coulson. I jumped onto him, piggy-back style, and I pulled my weight backwards.

"Ghhaa!" Loki dropped his sceptre in surprise, and his illusion self vanished. "Get off of me you sniveling mortal!"

Coulson turned around, his eyes widening in surprise at my position on Loki's back. I quickly rearranged my hold on the tool, swiping it towards Loki's face as I held on. I nicked his cheek, causing him to growl in discomfort and cover his face. I held on tighter, feeling Loki's muscles tense up in his anger.

I met Coulson's eye. "Coulson, shoot!"

"Now?!" He asked, understanding what I was trying to do instantly, and giving me one last chance to back out.


Just as Loki removed his hand from his face, Coulson aimed his weapon. He fired a shot. The blast was bright, and it was the hottest thing I had ever felt - and I wasn't even hit directly. Loki and I were launched into the air, through the nearest wall, and into the next one before we finally hit the ground. As we hit the second wall, the metal was heated to an unbearable degree, instantly burning a hole through my shirt and burning the skin beneath. With Loki slamming into me, my head had snapped back into the wall as well, burning off bits of my braid and making me instantly let go of the god. Then, as if hitting the back of my head wasn't enough, my forehead was the first to make contact when we hit the floor.

I was unconscious within seconds.


"Sir, her injuries are too grave for us to handle here on the ship. Unless we can get her to a hospital, we're going to lose her," A stranger said.

"Well then, ready a jet and get her there!" Fury demanded, his voice raised.

'I'm still on the floor? My head and back're killing me... Why do I feel like I'm gonna to throw up? I'm not sick am I?'

"What happened?" Steve asked.

I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling air rushing across my bare back as my face rested on the cool, metal floor.

"She held Loki down so I could get a clear shot." Coulson replied.

"She has third degree burns across her back," Another stranger said. "And she hit her head against the wall, twice. I'm surprised she's not dead already."

'I'm still alive???'

I forced my eyes open, wincing in worry at my blurry, black-spotted vision.

"She's awake!"

I felt someone take my hand. I flicked my eyes up to face them.

"Hey, Sunshine."

I smiled the best I could. "Hey, Stranger." I took a deep breath, surprised at how hard it was to just get two words out. I blinked a couple times, noting the increase of black smears in my eyes. "Hey, you know any good optomitrists?"

"I don't think now's the best time to be making jokes, Miss Breaux," Natasha stated.

"I agree," Thor piped up. "You must save your strength."

I chuckled softly as the two made their way in. "Hey, vision's dark, but that doesn't mean my humor has to be."

I stopped short, grunting in pain as tears flowed down my face. I ground my teeth. I gripped Tony's hand.

"Hold on, Jamie, help is on it's way." Tony whispered softly.

I held his hand even tighter. I saved Coulson, just like I had set out to do, but I needed to stay in order for it to hold. Except I was fading; I knew I was.

I felt more tears flow, and I took in a quick, panicked breath as I held his hand tighter. "I don't wanna go..."

I could vaguely see something flash through Tony's eyes, but I wasn't present enough to discern what it was.

"And you're not going to," He murmured, wiping my cheek with his other thumb. "You're not going to. You've just gotta hold on a little longer."

I felt my eyes flutter closed without my permission, and I heaved a shuttering sigh as my pain seemed to subside.

"Jamie," Tony tapped my cheek softly. "Open your eyes, sweetheart. You need to keep em' open."

'I'm trying... I swear...'

I forced my eyes open. People were talking all over the room. Steve to Natasha. Thor to Natasha. Natasha to the boys. All three of them to Fury. Fury to the two paramedics. Tony to me. I saw their mouths moving, but I was terrified to find that I couldn't hear a single word. I gripped Tony's hand as tightly as I could, though my grip was nothing compared to what it should be.

I felt Tony squeeze my hand one last time.

Then everything went dark.

One Day More || a Tony Stark x Oc Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now