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I shuffled my feet impatiently as Natasha spoke to Tony through a headset. Don't get me wrong, I was terrified as hell, but I was currently fueled by an unholy mixture of coffee, energy drinks, frustration, and spite. I wanted this done.

"We're on your three, headed northeast." Natasha finished.

Clint was flying the jet we'd commandeered towards New York City. Meanwhile, I was trying to ignore the nervous energy in my system. I glanced out the window, scanning the skies for anything obviously alien.


I heard Tony reply to the spy through my earpiece.

"Did you stop for drive-through?" He snapped, already seeming a little drained from his encounter with Loki.

I chuckled under my breath, putting a hand to my ear. "Oh, yeah. We had Wendy's. It was pretty great. I got fries and a chocolate frosty."

"So you guys got food without me, Sunshine?" Tony's voice took on a slightly playful tone. "No fair!"

"We'll stop for food when this is all over, man." I openly laughed.

I jolted as I felt a hand land on my shoulder and heard Steve's voice echo through both the jet and my earpiece at the same time.

"I don't think this is the right time to be flirting, you two."

I turned back to look at the captain with a raised eyebrow, my face tinted pink and my neck feeling warm. "Flirting???"

Tony, on the other hand, ignored the insinuation.

"Swing up Park," He told Clint. "I'm gonna lay 'em out for you."

With that said, the jet swerved in between some buildings. Steve's hand left my shoulder and the two of us approached the front. The jet's weapon system was engaged, and I watched with wide eyes as Tony flew past, followed by a flurry of humanoid creatures that I had never seen before. Natasha shot down as many as she could as we flew through them. Clint pulled on the steering mechanism, pulling us around the side of Stark Tower.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of red.

"Hey," I softly tapped Clint's shoulder. "Isn't that Thor?"

We all turned to look through the windshield. Thor and Loki were in a bout of hammer-to-sceptre combat, and it seemed like Loki was currently on the winning side.

"Natasha," Clint flicked his eyes in her direction for a moment.

I winced slightly as Loki flung his brother to the ground.

"I see 'im." She adjusted her grip on the weapon's controls.

Apparently, Loki had seen us as well. As Clint straightened the jet, giving Natasha a clear shot, Loki extended his arm. The tip of the sceptre was pointed towards the jet, now. Though Natasha had fired a few rounds at the god, Loki had fired his own energy blast into the jet's whirring fan in the left wing.

The ship rocked violently at the impact. Natasha braced herself in her seat. Clint fought the controls to keep the jet steady. Steve hastily grabbed one of the hanging hooks above to keep himself on his feet. Not used to any kind of transportation with a hanging handle, I dropped to my knees and gripped onto the nearest seat, riding out the turbulence from the floor.

The jet spun, and Clint circled buildings in an effort to find a suitable, and preferably safe, place to land. Mere moments after we were hit, a single red light started to blink above our heads and a small alarm blared. I gritted my teeth, and I dug my nails into the seat I clung to as I saw Steve's feet leave the floor.

One Day More || a Tony Stark x Oc Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now