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I saw red behind my eyelids, and the tears began to pour uncontrollably. I sat up, grabbing the fire blanket and shoving my face into it. I breathed in deeply, trying my hardest to stem the flow.

"Damn it....." I whispered into the blanket, clutching it tightly between my fingers.

I continued to breathe deeply. I continued to shove my face into the blanket. I needed to calm myself down before the guys came back.

"Jamie, are you okay?"

My whole body tensed up. I pulled my face out of the blanket, and I swallowed thickly when I saw the guys looking down at me in concern - Tony with two coffees and Bruce with some hot tea in hand. I still hadn't responded, tears silently slipping down my face. Tony stood back, watching in silence as Bruce set down his mug. Bruce gently laid his hand on my shoulder, shocking me out of my silence. I shook my head quickly, glancing between their faces and Bruce's hand.

"Talk to us, Jamie," Bruce said gently. "Are you alright?"

I forced a smile onto my face, trying to seem as put-together as possible as I balled up the fire blanket. "I'm fine."

"Sunshine..." Tony said softly, his eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.

"No, really," I set the blanket to the side, using my other hand to wipe my tears away. "I'm fine, I promise. Just a really messed up nightmare."

Bruce took his hand away as I moved to stand. Tony, on the other hand, put his cups down and took some steps towards me, putting his hands in his pockets. By the movement underneath the fabric, I could tell that he was nervously fidgeting with his pocket lint.

He met my eye, somehow managing to hold my frazzled gaze. "You wanna talk about it? It might help."

My smile eased into a new place. Although it was still worn and weary, it was changing into something much more genuine than it was before. I had a feeling that this was not something he usually offered.

"Thank you, Tony, Bruce. That really means a lot, but no." I stiffly crossed my arms. "I just need to take a walk, give myself a minute to breathe, you know?"

Bruce's face began to match my own, and he nodded. "It's alright. I understand. Just let me know if you change your mind."

I nodded right back to him. Then, I turned to Tony. His hands had stilled, and his expression had fallen into a stony frown. I met his eye, and I knew; he recognized that excuse. He'd probably used that excuse. He'd probably let that excuse leave his lips more than any man ever should, and I just used the same one.

Nonetheless, he nodded softly. "Alright." He turned to where he'd put the cups, grabbing one and holding it out to me. "Here, maybe this'll help you feel better."

My smile softened as I took the cup from his hands, wrapping my own around it and soaking in the warmth. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome." He smiled back at me.

"For the blanket, too."

Tony didn't respond, but I could see the rush behind his eyes.

"It was really sweet of you, Tony, really."

I didn't wait for a response, turning to the door and walking out of the lab in silence.


I'd been walking for around ten minutes. My coffee cup was bone dry. My tears had run out, only to be replaced with a raw, violent rage with Loki, the situation I'd found myself in, and my own failings. I threw my cup away in the nearest trash can, starting my trek towards the bridge. As I walked, agents seemed to naturally walk around me. I didn't take notice, though. I didn't care if I scared them at that moment; this was a throw-away loop, anyway.

One Day More || a Tony Stark x Oc Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now