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I groaned in frustration as I placed the paper and pens on my "sleeping table", taking four out of the stack. I wrote the same notes as before, adding one more.

The door opening for Loki is an illusion

I folded the paper into a square, drawing a lightning bolt on it.


"Excuse me," I silently lifted myself off the wall as Fury turned to Thor. "Did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?"

I had just slipped Natasha's note into her belt. I observed her lack of response, and then I moved on.

"You treat your champions with such mistrust." Thor shot back at Fury.

I walked towards Thor, noting in mild surprise that the guy actually had pockets. I silently slipped the note into his back pocket. He noticed the note immediately, pulling it out of his pocket and glancing around. I refused to turn my face to him, hoping and praying that he wouldn't cause a scene. I slipped Fury his note, watching Thor from the corner of my eye as he followed my every move.

"Are you boys really that naive?" Natasha wedged herself into Thor and Fury's debate. "S.H.I.E.L.D. monitors potential threats."

Fury sent me the tiniest of nods; I sent him one in return.

Thor opened my note quickly at mine and Fury's silent exchange. His eyes widened a significant amount, and he looked back at me as I walked behind Tony.

Stark, so help me God," Steve replied, balling his hands into fists at his sides. "If you make one more wisecrack -- "

I glanced up at Thor, meeting his eye as I walked towards Steve's shield.

"Threat! Verbal threat! I feel threatened!" Tony threw his hands in the air dramatically.

I slipped Steve's note around one of the shield's handle-straps. I stayed on the floor for a moment, watching Thor's head tilt to the side in silent confusion and suspicion. I sent him a soft smile, putting a finger to my lips as a sign to keep the information to himself. His face softened a bit, realizing that I was trying to help, and he nodded silently. I nodded back at him.

I took one last glance around the room, grabbing the tool that Tony had shocked Bruce with the night before and silently slipping out the door.


I took a deep breath, approaching the door leading to Loki's cell. I gripped the tool tightly in my hand, and I leaned back against the wall. I held my ground as the bombs hit, then I played the waiting game; I knew I wasn't going to be able to stop Loki from escaping his cage, but I could stop Coulson from meeting his fate. No matter what, Coulson was not entering that room.

As I was waiting, I noticed that Thor never showed up.

'Maybe he thought my note meant that Loki was taken care of? Well, he's better off that way, if I can pull this off. He'll stay with the rest of the team instead of falling thousands of feet. That'll be useful later.'

I looked down the hall as I heard a set of footsteps, finding that Coulson was headed my way, his weapon in his hand. I lifted myself off the wall, blocking his path. I didn't bother to put on a positive air; he needed to take me seriously if I was going to convince him to leave.

He stopped in front of me, his eyebrows narrowed in confusion. "Miss Breaux, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, Agent Coulson, but I can't let you pass." I avoided his question. "If you go in there, Loki is going to kill you."

His expression darkened as I saw the gears turning behind his eyes. Then he nodded in what really looked like acceptance.

"Well," He held his head high. "Then I will have died for a good cause. I need to try, Jamie, but thank you."

He attempted to step around me, but I stepped right in front of him.

"No, Coulson, I'm serious." I insisted, telling him exactly what I had told him last time. "You will not make it out of this alive, and Loki will still get away."

I paused to let him think. Then I glanced at his weapon. I made a split-second decision.

"Please," I held my hand out. "Let me use that. I'll take care of Loki. You need to go. You won't be of any help to anyone dead, and I don't want to see you throw your life away."

He looked at my hand. He looked at the door over my shoulder.

I left my hand out. "Please."

He met my eye. He stared for a moment as if he were looking for something. Then, whether he found that something or not, he nodded softly. He held out his gun.

I took it from him, sending him a grateful smile. "Thank you."

"No." Coulson shook his head. "Thank you. Good luck."

I watched as he turned around, walking back the way he came. After he had disappeared down a side hall, I took one last deep breath. I faced the door once more. I leaned forward, putting my eye in front of the scanner. I didn't have to fight to make sure I didn't blink, this time, allowing my eye to be scanned with the laser. Then, the scanner beeped, the indicator light shining bright green as the door opened.

Loki stood right outside the wide-open cell door, looking at me with a cheeky grin.

He raised his hands like a showman. "Like my magic trick?"

I gripped the weapon tightly in my hands. I casually walked into the room and shrugged my shoulders, repeating the same response I'd already given. "It was pretty impressive that you got out, but I'd still appreciate it if you got back in." I sent him a smile, nodding my head towards a control panel. "I can close it up for you and everything!"

Loki's face scrunched up, and he shook his head.

He took a few slow steps in my direction. "I don't know, I quite enjoy the fresh air. And besides, I think we both know what will happen if I go back in there. I think you understand my predicament."

I continued, spitting out my lines like an actress in a play. "Well, I have to disagree with you. I think you should most certainly get in there, because we both know what you plan to do if you don't. So," I casually pointed the weapon at him. "I insist."

He scoffed in amusement, cocking an eyebrow. He crossed his arms. "You intend to corral a god with a weapon when you have no idea what it does?"

"I intend to try." I pressed the button on the side that I remembered Coulson pressing before, making the weapon hum loudly and glow brighter.

Then, as if we'd rehearsed it, I spun on my heels. My weapon slapped against the side of Loki's sceptre, blocking it from impaling me. He did not seem surprised in the least.

"Just as I thought," He uttered, just above a whisper.

I suddenly felt his breath on my cheek as his sceptre softly caressed the skin over my jugular.

"You are but a seer playing the part of a hero, A petulant child, refusing to give up her happy ending."

I felt something swipe against my neck.

Then everything went dark.

One Day More || a Tony Stark x Oc Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now